'just say no'

in #politics5 years ago

To 'senator' Richard J. Durbin (from Illinois)

What evidence do you have that caused you to vote to convict a man that many, many people thought was innocent? I realize that you believe that the president 'welcomes' foreign intervention in our elections, but that is a worn out hoax that has wasted millions of tax payers dollars and is a separate issue. Do you think it is fair to accuse a man of (say) murder even if that man was guilty of theft 3 years earlier.

I think that you voted your conscience, but it is concerning that your conscience does not have a wrist watch. Again allow me to say that I know that in your mind President Trump somehow convinced the Russians to hack the U.S. election in 2016, and the Russians unfairly supressed the election of Hillary Clinton and as a result Hillary did not become president. But it seems like you are unaware that for three years the democrats were unable to point to any wrongdoing that the president done, and then a little over three years after that hoax went on the democratic party decides to repackage the crime and hopefully the president will be found guilty that time. The actions that were taken seem to be the actions of someone that is living in LaLa land. You made a quote that said "We will also have found for the first time in our history that an impeachment proceeding in the Senate can be conducted without any direct witnesses or evidence presented on either side of the case..."
I want your story to be clear, you feel that it is morally just to make a man go to a court room (legislative chamber) and be forced to defend himself. I imagine that you take pride in the oath that you took when you became a senator (time stamp :25-:33) Durbin Votes Guilty on Both Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump However, it appears that you forgot what the U.S. Constitution says about Double Jeopardy...The Double Jeopardy Clause in the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime. The relevant part of the Fifth Amendment states, "No person shall . . . be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb . . . . " That means that unless members of congress have not taken the time to learn about the Constitution they are in direct violation of the law. That would mean that almost every democratic (In the Senate at least) and 'turn coat Mitt Romeny' are either frauds, phonies, or incompetent.

It is my opinion that you and almost every other democrat that is in the house of representives or the senate have limited amounts of moral integrity and can not be trusted to abide by the laws of this country. So I am asking people to employ a strategy when they go to vote, whenever a person has the letter (d-for democrat) after there name remember the anti-drug campaign from the 1980's 'just say no'. The democrats have a vision of supporting abortion and wanting to take our guns away...so 'just say no'