
It's so refreshing to see how many people are awake to the benefits of raw milk. I agree. It definitely tastes better. And the health benefits are obvious.

A few years ago my 2yo contracted measles but was over it in just a few days. My Dr at the time was from Switzerland and a big raw milk supporter. He wasn't surprised at how quickly we got through it. Grass-fed raw & fermented dairy is much higher in nutrients and more readily absorbed (specifically Vitamin A) and these nutritional stores are what he believed helped him get over it quicker.
As for @wwf's meetup, I wish we were closer, but we're in N. Idaho. Nine hours is just too far for a road trip with 4 kids right now. I recently started following you both and have really enjoyed the posts thus far. Both your families are definitely the type of Steemians that @guntotnhippie (my hubby) and I could get along with!

Wow, that is a long drive especially with that many kids. I totally understand.

What your son recovered from the measles!!? I thought that it was a death sentence!