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RE: The Delusional Right Wing

in #politics7 years ago

Capitalists claim the great famines during the time of the soviet union were caused by communism. I guess Stalin controlled the rain and ate all the grain himself then.

Well, what happened is far worse. Stalin's chief of agriculture told the peasants to sow the grain on top of the snow, then when the snow melts the seeds will be watered and the wheat will grow. Unfortunately, as any farmer will tell you, what this does is rot the wheat seeds and nothing grows. And so, not only was no wheat grown, but all of the wheat that kept for seed was destroyed too.

Yes, capitalism throws away food. But, you go and try to connect this with capitalism being the reason for famines everywhere else? The grasshopper died during the winter because those mean ants would not share the food they stored up all summer?

The best example of communism leading to starvation was the pilgrims. They initially started out as a communist/socialist group. And they were beset by constant famine. Until they changed their social structure to capitalism. Then, the pilgrims started growing lots of food, in and around their houses and every corner, because now, they were incentavized because they could keep what they grew. After the pilgrims had plenty of food.