In case you're wondering how I know he was talking about the left, I feel I should mention that he's my father. So, I think I might have a good insight on where he stands on the issues.
By the way...Hi, dad. Welcome to Steemit!
I didn't ask him, but I imagine he kept the post deliberately ambiguous. He wanted to say something that would attract both sides of the isle in hopes of having a meeting of the minds. I mean, hell, it's written right there in the post. It's at the very core of what he's talking about.
His message is very poignantly affirmed by this response. He speaks a simple truth that anyone with a capacity for reason can get behind, and the first response is an imbecilic attack. It's sad to see that such wise words have been converted into a pedestal for idiots to announce themselves.
Pearls before swine, I suppose...