BlockChain Technology Returning Power and Country to the People in a fast, simple, easy and practical way.

in #politics7 years ago


Until a few years ago I was one of the most populous people who did not care about the politics of my country, out of sheer immaturity, failing to exercise my duty as a patriot and completely ignoring the power and right that I had as a Brazilian citizen.

Being the majority, it was at last that the owners left "the foxes to take care of the chicken coop", that is, we surrender our power and our country in the hands of those who should represent us and of course administer in a democratic way the interests of those that they represent, the real owners "The People".

There are two ways that I know of the people to take what is theirs by right.

1ª - "The force", or "Crash From Front" that is the will of the majority, we already know in that of looking at the past, always did not end well ... For the people and also for those heroes who took initiative, as the case of Activist Aaron Hillel Swartz (1986 - 2013) using intelligence knowledge and tools of the time obtaining with great success but in the end did not end well for its recognized and important to humanity heroic act against the amendment Online Stop Piracy Act (SOPA).

2nd - "Popular initiative bills."

I would like to emphasize here, that I believe that the true democracy of success, is to divide power into equality for all, achievements and achievements through the merit of each and having a group to administer.
Examples: Internet, Linux, BlockChain's, Python, GoLang, GitHub ...

He did not know like the majority, that to a federal law in force since 1988 dubbed "Popular Initiative" that rules not only in Brazil but in other countries as in the United States of America, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Spain, Germany, Mexico , Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Costa Rica.

"According to article 61, paragraph 2 of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, regulated by law 9,709 of 1998, it is allowed the presentation of bills by the Legislative, Executive and popular initiative. In this last case, the constitution requires as a procedure the adhesion minimum of 1% of the national electoral population, by means of signatures, distributed by at least 5 federative units and at least 0.3% of the voters in each of these units. According to the TSE, the number of voters in Brazil in July 2010 was 135.8 million [2], the minimum number of signatures for a popular initiative project would therefore be 1.36 million. "
By: Wikipedia.

One of the original editions of the 1988 Constitution, exhibited at the Supreme Court Museum (STF)

One of the famous cases using "Popular Initiative" but with a lot of "Headache", expenditure of money and time for having taken a very long process, is the "Clean Law", here in Brazil.

"The Law of the Clean Sheet was the fourth and last bill of popular initiative at the federal level approved in the Brazilian Congress. references to projects of laws of popular initiative in Brazil, having collected a total of 1.6 million11 signatures.

The bill to be presented was based on the following premise: it is not recommended to apply for people against whom convictions issued by certain areas of the Judiciary. Several other measures have been put forward in the popular text. "
By Márlon Reis, author of the project.

Here's where the power of BlockChain technology comes in to revolutionize the world!

It was launching a "We Shift +" application using revolutionary BlockChain technology to authenticate the millions of signatures required by the Federal Constitution to pass a popular bill! Having the support of giant GoogGle.

Now all citizens have the power in hand quickly, easy, simple and practical to change the nation.

In addition to signing a bill, you can also propose a bill!

Application Site Changed +:

Download the Changed Application +:

So let's stop complaining and using, abusing, and addicting what we have been given by nature to "Intelligence" ...

To know more about the "Popular Initiative", visit the links below.
That was also the source of extraction of images, texts and research.

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