Don't talk about politics! - But Brexit...

in #politics7 years ago

I'm usually fairly quiet about politics because a child could defeat me in a debate. After just reading the weekly Brexit update from MEP Alyn Smith, I feel like venting a wee bit.

Brexit is a great shambles, badly negotiated and also emotional for me personally.

If there was such a thing as a European passport, I'd get that. Having lived in three European countries and speaking three European languages, I consider myself European.

The run-up to the Brexit referendum in 2016 made me label myself for the first time as an immigrant in the UK. I had never wasted time pondering about that fact. It didn't matter. Then suddenly it did. I stayed in this country for love, not hate.

Dual citizenship has finally granted me the right to vote on national matters. Yes, that's right. European citizens could neither vote in General Elections nor the Brexit referendum. My right to vote stopped at the Scottish border. Quite a few of my Scottish pals were not aware of that. Second class resident - good enough to pay tax, not good enough to vote. In my opinion, everyone who has paid tax in a country for a duration equal to a government term (5 years in UK) has shown sufficient commitment to the country to be allowed a say, i.e. vote, by default for as long as they remain in the country. Anyway, I'm digressing.

Saying any more about Brexit would get me into a long rant. So, let's end with this:

There is still time to change course!

When you realise that you've been lied to, pick up the pieces, fix what can be mended and move into a prosperous direction.

Hope dies last, right?

Auf Wiedersehen! Goodbye! Au revoir !



First we need a new government that is for the people and not for themselves; until then Brexit will be a shambles...

Very true. Their party-over-country attitude only got us into this mess.