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RE: How to Defeat the Republican Snowflakes and Their Snowflake-in-Chief

in #politics7 years ago

Do you think the animosity from the Republican establishment (Paul Ryan, John McCain, Lindsey Graham specifically) is all a show and Trump was really their desired candidate?

Third party is simply not happening in the immediate future, barring a catastrophic/paradigm-shifting event.

I would be willing to bet we see things quite clearly in regards to what we both believe the size and scope of government SHOULD look like, but based on this post, I'm betting we disagree strongly on how to get there quickly with as little bloodshed as possible.


Do you think a legislative and executive branch being unable to function despite being owned by a single party is catastrophic/paradigm-shifting enough?

In my opinion, they've been the party of no for so long, they've forgotten how to govern.

This is just a demonstration of what it looks like when an unelected bureaucracy with access to the nations highest SIGINT has the ability to blackmail the legislative branch. Party doesn't matter. There are controlled, and uncontrolled, IMO.