@pressespiegel, I do not consider the fortification of state borders a topic to even discuss. It will happen. It is happening. And there seems to be no plan behind it.
Meanwhile, discussions on the issue follow a non-linear path, too.
In Germany, an increasing number of people are reluctant to voice their opinion. http://cicero.de/salon/freiheitsindex-2016-elitendaemmerung
I would not speak my mind online under my name to have my boss check me on Google either.
Before even discussing any aspect of the refugee crisis, we should perhaps look at the mechainisms that prevent people from speaking out in public.
I could do a bit of writing on "enforced ethics" and its terible side effects.
Once you start showing a mirror to the moral inquisitors, it gets dirty. Very dirty. I already mentioned the past of least resistance, Merkel painted in bight humanist colours.
I call her approach a pseudo-humanitarian as it does not appear to follow any plan, appeases tactical situations, allocates ressources primarily to the fittest individuals (predominantly male, young, healthy, often of some financial means) instead of devising a plan based on the need of people.
A raped Jesidi girl, whose family is dead or poor is unlikely to make it to central Europe. Who helps her? Merkel does not seems to show much activity or interest in this field.
So, allocating huge ressources according to the individual's fitness is nothing less than promoting social darwinism.
Talking motivation, I doubt the sincerety of many of the good-doers. Been there, done that, know the trade.
Do not trust them, they are the first to go rightwinger when the times change.
If you want consensus preceded by a real debate - which is in fact badly needed before the next stage to be expected - we should first de-mask some of the good-doers hypocisy. I am actually surprised that the AfD is so reluctant on that. They could shoot a lot of sitting ducks.
And then we should talk about the values we need to preserve in our countries. And how to do it. For everyone resident here, regardless of race or origin.