For those of you who have never seen a Muslim woman stoned to death…by 'The Religion of Peace'

in #politics5 years ago


I'll be honest and confess I did not watch the video - I do not have the ability to watch something like this without empathising and suffering. Still, even just knowing the video is available for everyone to watch should be an alarm clock for waking up those who believe their lives and way of life is not threatened.

Is this the future we want?

Here you go. Placed in a dirt hole, a woman is stoned to death allegedly by a group of Taliban savages in Afghanistan. Stoning was officially banned in Afghanistan in 2013, but it is still practiced with little or no repercussions for the stoners.

View at source:

or the video:

btw - anyone seen any recent protests by the so-called Feminists? As an organisation they get millions for defending women from abuse by society...but it is okay if the abusers are moslems? It says much about those heartless creatures that run the org, doesn't it?

I do not know who I hate more, those who do the stoning, or those who are legitimising it out of pc cowardice.

My belief in Free Speech is my Shield

Posted:11 February, 2020



Of course this post will be flagged. However, the flaggers will not be moslems, they will be two different kinds of animals (fanatics who have lost all sense of humanity and decency - which all religions ask of us)

  • extremists

  • socialist globs

So, I shall accept the flags as badges of honour and be proud of them.

Don't mind those turds. Keep up the good work 👍👍

Thank you