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RE: Trump Now Says "Grab Em By the Pu$$y" Tape is Fake

in #politics7 years ago

A regular visitor to the White House told me that leaks about the President shouting at his senior staff were true. ‘The White House is not a happy place.’ Television images show Trump getting to the lectern in the West Wing to make an announcement, then forgetting to make it and walking out; or Trump at the Nato summit, shoving the Monte-negrin Prime Minister aside to get to the front of the leaders’ photograph. Trump’s critics paint a picture of the President as rambling, confused, irritable and prone to tantrums: the madness of King Donald.. I hate him sooo much......!! @davidpakman


We all do... I was called an unwise youth by my family at thanksgiving. I want vindication. I want trump to become a meme for idiots and alt-reality people. What a joke