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RE: I Work in a Gun Store. Here's What I Wish People Knew About American Gun Culture

in #politics8 years ago

Our part of the country has a lot of firearms. And there is no permit required to carried concealed. Some open carry, which I can appreciate. It's comforting to know that there's someone there in case something goes down. I don't like to open carry because it makes some people nervous.


Yes, open carry does seem to make people nervous, especially hoplophobes. There's been a nationwide trend lately of anti-gun activists calling the cops on people who are legally open carrying in public. I guess their goal is to piss off the cops? Idk. But open carrying can also be practically an open invitation to get your sidearm stolen, in some places. So it's probably better all around to conceal.

Around here it's really a non-issue. More homes have guns than not in our area, by far. The cops know it and are comfortable with it. it's just part of the culture. And violent crime is almost non-existent. If someone called the cops here because someone was wearing a gun, two things would happen - 1, they'd be calling all the time and 2. the cops would laugh at them. :)