VENEZUELA - history- reality

in #politics6 years ago

hello steemit community, a little history, what happened and what is happening in venezuela

On January 23, 2018 marks the 60th anniversary of the fall of the dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez, who executed his regime since 1953. Five years of dictatorship and abuse against human rights and the people, that was enough for the Armed Forces National, the political leadership and the organized population were united for the coup that would restore democracy in Venezuela.

Marcos Perez Jimenez.jpg

hugo havez Frías arrived at the presidency he proceeded, among other anti-democratic gestures, implanted a communist-style government that was not foreseen in the Constitution, and with it to get rid of democratic personalities that had supported him in his campaign, to expel from his positions all the highly specialized personnel of PDVSA and other institutions, to definitively implement exchange control as a means of control over economic agents, to expropriate means of communication, productive farms and large and medium-sized enterprises, to persecute and imprison their adversaries, and even worse, to monopolize the national armed force and all state institutions; also, all the media, to sow hatred as state policy and as a form of torture against their opponents: "Homeland or death" was his slogan. Implementation of mechanisms of political discrimination such as the "Tascón List", increased and retouched later as "Maisanta", and more recently the "Carnet de la Patria", instruments that exclude large sectors of the population from the rights and goods of the State .

Before dying, he took the opportunity to impose his political heir, the current President Nicolás Maduro, who has done nothing but continue faithfully the same line destruction and dismantling of state institutions, the productive apparatus and its political opponents, many of the which are in exile, or are imprisoned or have been murdered, when not savagely massacred as the recent case of the insurgent Óscar Pérez, in what is already recognized as the "Junquito Massacre".

Today Venezuela is a country in ruins and in the hands of vandalism, thieves and assassins even from the same government as the so-called "collectives". A country with an infrastructure collapsed and on the verge of extinction. With a massive emigration of professionals and intellectuals and the terrified flight of thousands of poor and dispossessed people sleeping on cardboard in the streets of Cúcuta, Colombia and other neighboring countries; the universities are impoverished and inhabited by every day less teachers and fewer students; people rummaging through garbage bags to find something to eat; the patients dying due to lack of medicines and hospital care. A country where hatred, death, violence, confusion, pain and despair have taken over.

people eating from the garbage


«Las dictaduras fomentan la opresión, las dictaduras fomentan el servilismo, las dictaduras fomentan la crueldad; más abominable es el hecho de que fomentan la idiotez».

Venezuela dies.
no more dictatorship.

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todas las dictaduras caen

no mas dictadura en venezuela.....