You have no idea what you are talking about! You don't care about us Venezuelans! You are so fake and corrupted like Maduro a dictator who nobody wants to be friend! You like those corrupted politicians will end in jail!
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You didn't even were here May, 2018 were nobody like nobody went to those false elections where most democratic parties were banned. You a fucking savage! Thanks god you are not here if you were here you were in Colectivos killing innocent people in Protests or maybe producing marijuana for making money to maintain Maduro
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Oh, you must hate neoliberalism too! And you might be using an Iphone even that!
It's funny if you said something anti-globalism or pro-maduro it makes you pro-nazi pro-northkorea pro-communism pro-dictatorship and you are not that, you are just pointing something with common sense.
BTW say GoodBye to the Embassy! and all your incomes injected from Maduro. You are getting alone, The world just see how freak people adore a Dictatorship who kills its people in many ways... I hope you are there in the Embassy! you should go to jail!
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Your hate for Maduro is not letting you think like a normal human being. You are the same or worst than your enemy, Maduro, or at least, how you think he is.
You ask for democracy, but you want jail for anybody that doesn't think as you do. Don't be hypocrite.
I'm not pro or anti Maduro, but if I can't say my opinion because is not exaclty as you wish I have to go to jail? Come on mate, you might have the same problem as Maduro.
You are worst than hypocrites You think you talk in the name of Venezuelans when you do not even care about us, the lack of food, blackouts, shortages, you do not even have been here! You are fake af you only care about checks sign by corrupted chavism leaders
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Because Maduro writes me a check to my home address every month, of course he does, champion.
Also, nobody says that food shortage caused by a mixed of factors one of them US sanctions, blackouts caused by sabotages aren't real. I don't think Maduro is good neither. Guaido is going to bring a civil war, is not my opinion is what reallity delivers in Libya, Syria, and so on.
Being realistic should be the first step to improve the situation in your country.