
It is NOT fraud, as you HAVE clearly stated that it was found on Facebook and have no implicated it was in any way original content.

This @hivewatcher account seems to be run by someone with a hall-monitor complex who lacks attention to detail and the discernment to tell the difference and is continuing to piss people off by making slanderous accusations and false claims equating to defamation that have no factual, legal or lawful basis.

Yes, but as a little guy in the big sea, I have no power to change what they do or what they say. I hate to say I am at their mercy on this.

I found out it was reported to them and the people that run @hivewatchers are not in America but somewhere overseas. They have been given too much power by the powers that be and are abusing said power!

It is useless to argue with them as it will only bring more crap down on my head and they can break me as a little account on this platform. it is just lost rewards and a lost cause.

Thank you for seeing the wrong that was done in this instance and agreeing with me on this. That is a little encouragement to me in this situation.

Abuse of power 💯