The lesser of two evils. The strange American approach to elections.

in #politics8 years ago

So I was scrolling through my newsfeed on facebook and I'm seeing alot of Americans going on about the recent elections and one of the main phrases I've seen about why people voted for Trump was he was the lesser of two evils.

Now even over the pond here I saw there was other options but it seems there is a mentality that there is no 3rd option in American politics. So cogs turned and well this sprang to mind.

Bob and Jack were hungry and needed food.
"McDolalds or Burger King?" Bob asked.
"But they're both junk food, I wish we had a different choice." Jack replied, then he spied a family run burger bar. "How about we try there for our food?"
"The options are McDonals or Burger King, you need to pick from the lesser of the junk." Bob said angrily.
"Can't we go with a 3rd option for a change?" Jack asked.

One last thing, over in the UK a trump is a word for a fart... America will be led by President Fart in the minds of children all over the UK and they will snigger when his name is mentioned.... just saying.


there was no realistic third option.
The libertarian party did better than it has done in years, it came in third, with less than five percent of the vote.

Hilliary is pure undiluted evil.
Hellspawn, daughter of satan...the hildebeast.
Enough people knew that to vote against her.
Trump didn't win,
Hilliary lost.

I found this interesting considering the Libertarian party (from my perspective) likely lost a lot of their past core followers by changing a lot of their platform, i.e., supporting TPP, supporting gun control to name a few - things that, to me, seem to be antithetical to Libertarianism. -but maybe I'm more of a Constitutionalist these days? Guess they picked up some of the anti-Trump people this time around.

Gun Control is the PRIMARY issue with me and many others.
It's the litmus test.
The second amendment means what it says...
"the right of the people to own and bear arms...shall NOT be infringed."
I do not support anyone who supports victim disarmament.

Exactly, which was why I was surprised to hear Johnson say anything to the contrary like he did. I've also heard that once Trump was nominated, majority of big republican money was pulled and refocused on Johnson, maybe hoping to use him to pull votes from Trump because "anyone, including Hitlery, is better than Trump". Guess its the 'devil you know' or the 'give us Barabbas' mindset.