I think you've got that backwards, in that it's their crusade against our free speech and sensibilities.
If someone asks me to refer to them as a "non-binary reverse interpolated toadstool", from my perspective I couldn't care less. Although I'd think they're completely nuts (and I wouldn't be afraid to tell them as much), I'd most likely accommodate them nonetheless (for whatever period of time I might have to entertain their delusions), though I'll probably have an awfully hard time keeping a "straight face" while saying it...
However, when these same people attempt to push through legislation making "non-compliance" a punishable and enforceable "hate crime" for not conforming to their twisted worldview (or perhaps, even for LAUGHING while saying it), then my response is that they can go fuck themselves (which, ironically, they probably already do anyway)! lol 😂
Funny, they claim they are demanding respect and validation. Perhaps they should try offering something of true value to society, and they may just earn some actual respect, the same way it works for the rest of us.
And, of course, this is just classic too... (around 4:30 into the interview.. even [insert appropriate pronoun here] defending it says [insert appropriate pronoun here] needs to look up the appropriate "pronoun" to use for each person in [insert appropriate pronoun here]'s cellphone!) lol 🤣

(can I sue this [insert appropriate pronoun here] for offending me and making me feel too stoopid to understand WTF any of that means?! lol )