in #politics8 years ago

I have always maintained in my life a principle to which I will never give up. "WE KILLED THE DAY WHEN WE KEEP SILENCE BEFORE THINGS WHICH DO THEIR IMPORTANCE" ...

At the time of the dictatorship of CORONEL MARCOS PEREZ JIMENEZ in Venezuela, when I was a high school student, in the house where my family lived, we prepared publicity against this dictatorial, repressive and torturing regime. My father, lawyer-judge, worked together with my mother and me, the contents of the calls for freedom, democracy, freedom of political prisoners, end of torture, disappearances and deaths, of which fighters.

Only three of us intervened in the house to avoid that the imprudence or malice of grandmother uncles or brothers innocently betray our conspirative activity, endangering our integrity and even more our lives. The writings were cut into small strips of paper that we called "butterflies", and then thrown them in strategic places for them to be collected by the people of Caracas, the capital of the country.

For several years we continued with this activity with the faith put in that someday would be demolished that dictatorship. At that time a group of young people from Barrio San Jose fell prisoners after having burned a pickup of the National Guard; We were severely mistreated and some of us wounded with a bayonet, and then transferred to the ROTUNDA- QUARTEL URDANETA where prisoners were being housed. WE WERE TREATED AS ANIMALS !!!

TODAY JUNE 2017, I see that these scenes are repeated with our citizens, especially courageous young people who protest with full civility, demanding respect for the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION and human rights, access to food, medicines, services, Education and the right to disclose ..... THE RIGHT TO FREE THINKING AND LIVING IN FREEDOM ..

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