Analysing the failed but popular style of governance, called, “Democracy“

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Since I started analyzing the social and political norms, surrounding our lives, I always felt that the concept of “democracy” is a purely theoretical idea, with little to no practical benefit in real world.

Growing up in Pakistan, I had mostly observed the disastrous results of democracy because of corruption by power-hungry politicians.

On a logical level also, I always thought "democracy is a hoax".

I never saw this system working in any prosperous household. If a system of governance cant bring peace and prosperity to a family in a house, how can it bring peace and prosperity to any nation or a country?

A Nation is nothing but an extended version of a family living in a country which is enormous manifestation of a house.

If a formula of governance doesn’t work on small scale, how can we expect it to give fruitful results of large scale.

It just never happens, because it simply contradicts the laws of universe.

Now let’s dig deeper into the history of this failed but popular style of governance called “democracy”.

First of all, where did this system came from ? who created democracy?

Democratic / voting system was first invented and used by the ancient Greeks. They were corrupt, brutal, superstitious and class-conscious people, unlike how they are portrayed in Hollywood films.

Those Democratic Greeks were the people who kept slaves; they worshiped numerous idols as gods; these democratic Greeks were the people who gave death sentence to Socrates, for being a free thinker and a great intellectual.
Considering its origin, democracy can't be, what it is portray to be these days by the western media and politicians.

My favorite poet "Iqbal" (1877-1938), has denounced democracy several times in his poetry. One verse of one of his poems is as under (Urdu to English translation) :

"Democracy is a system in which people are counted , but , not weighed/valued" - Iqbal

Iqbal didn't approve Democracy. He claimed it is an absurd system, even in its genuine form. As this system, only counts people, by assigning one vote to each individual, without bringing into consideration the good or bad character of respective individual; the high level of education or the lack of education; the age and the wisdom that comes with it, or the lack of the very same.

Since Iqbal is my favorite poet and I feel that my thoughts and ideas about world are greatly influenced by his poetry , so, like him , I also believe democracy is an absurd system of power and governance.

In 2011, I wrote an article for a friend of mine's Nigerian publication. I wrote about how democratic governments ruined Pakistan's economy, during last sixty years. In that article I compared the economic performance of Pakistan during democracy to the economic economic performance of the country during the military dictatorships in between, those democratic eras.
Military Dictatorship proved to be far better for economic, social and political development and prosperity of the country than the democratic governments.

My favorite rulers of Pakistan were General Ayub Khan and General Musharraf. Both were Military dictators and both were awesome.

Democratic rule in Pakistan, means the rule of a few filthy Rich families, who take all the pains of politics, for coming to power so that they can become richer and filthier. This journey involves corruption and secret deals with American politicians.

Democracy is a sugar-coated knife that the world elite use, to snatch power from the rest of the world's population.
