
I actually got a call from the audience about this exact idea this week. I generally don't think they are connected beyond the idea that an environment may be developing where victims are feeling more comfortable and/or inspired to come forward, which I believe is a good thing.

So, Weiner's laptop which is supposed to have an enormous amount of incriminating evidence against the Clinton's and their network of associates as per FBI informant leaks on 4chan, pedo arrests start happening across the country and the world, and left and right corporate media mega stars are getting burned to the ground while Corey Feldman is on mainstream television talking about the abuse in Hollywood and none of this is connected? Senators are getting burned for this. It's stuff that FBI directors and investigators have known about for 30+ years and it's all finally getting exposed in the mainstream, but deadpan just ladies more comfortable talking about it...

I tend to think there's a lot more here.

No one can dismiss this of course... it could all be connected, how do we go about finding out? that is the 1 million Steem question...

One would assume that the powerful have tightly nit circles of trust, things they do get covered by their own. Why is it being uncovered? have the split into different groups.. it could be... or... or... we are moving towards a different collective/ethical consciousness...

the whole Weiner laptop fiasco was such bull... lets reopen the investigation, only to n o no.. its ok... everything is fine... there is no logical explanation to that, and there never will be, in the sense that it was manipulation of public opinion, and nothing else.

woah, and Corey Feldman was on the Today show,

Nope women are just too scared to report these incidents and now is the perfect time because it is trendy.

In general, people have a hard time coming forward about trauma. The adage that there is strength in numbers is certainly true in these cases, otherwise support groups, or group therapy sessions wouldn't have existed in the first place.