On Socialism
I have occasionally been accused of being a Socialist. I am not, under any definition of the word.
As you can see, Socialism is generally considered in political terms. The utopian version would have every single one of us be a willing worker in a state-owned industry. The dystopian version would have every one of us as a slave to the state.
There seem to be as many forms of Socialism as there are Socialists.
Major Types of Socialism
Marxist Socialism is characterized by total control and ownership of business by the state. Most who follow the Marxist vein advocate revolution and forced control by the state. Karl Marx himself believed that Socialism was a waypoint on the journey to Communism as the ultimate theory and government.
Market Socialism implies either public ownership and management or worker cooperative control of the means of production. There could also be a hybrid combination of the two in a single economy. The theory that the market determines what to produce and how much to avoid shortages and excesses. When the control is primarily vested in the state the resulting profits can reduce or eliminate taxes on the individual.
China and Vietnam both fit mostly into Market Socialism though they are sometimes described as State Capitalist systems.
Major Forms of Socialism
In the broad framework of Socialism, there are several forms of ownership recognized.
Socialist Planned Economy features a centralized government agency that is in charge of all production. Decisions on what and how much to produce are all done at a national level. Workers may or may not have any input on these decisions.
State-Directed Socialism has a central agency that is ultimately in charge but allows for local decisions on quantity administered by managers or worker councils. Some local or worker ownership is possible under this form.
Decentralized Planned Economy features ‘bottom-up’ planning and decision making allowing for local or worker control and ownership of production. The implication of this form is that all decisions are made in a democratic manner by the workers either directly or through councils.
Most Socialist theory and practice date to the early part of the 19th Century when theoretical models were widely suggested and debated. Almost endless models were suggested as the answer to ‘perfect socialism’.
Practical theory ranges from reform of Capitalism to make it ‘fairer’ to complete revolutionary overthrow of the existing government and implementation of State Controlled Socialism.
The Best Side Of Socialism
Inherent Fairness
Any Socialist system is inherently fair to all. Reward is based on overall production of the group and each member of the group is treated fairly.
Collective Decisions
The majority decides the course and it is in the best interest of all involved. Production is optimized and the producers in the economy are rewarded for their production. Every worker in the entire system is cared for cradle to grave.
Lack of Stress
There is no stress on any individual in the Socialist economy. Decisions are made by the collective mind and there is no need for any individual to worry. Clothing and housing are the same for all, with no variation. No stress.
Inherent Problems In Socialism
Termination of Individual Rights
These range from the simple loss of self-determination to death. Marxists believe that people dying is a necessary part of the process. It is estimated that 10 million died in the Russian Revolution and 60 million in the Chinese Revolution.
Personal Stagnation
In a life fully planned and implemented there is no reason at all for individuals to improve in any way. The decisions are all made for the individual so there is no reason to read or study or improve in any way. The workers are simply that and have no way forward to be anything more. Whether you work in a factory or an office or a store you are fully cared for and there is no reason for you to be more than you are today.
Loss of Freedom
In a system with no self-determination, freedom is severely curtailed. In a very liberal Socialism, you may be allowed to decide the Church you attend and what you will eat (within budgetary and supply constraints) and very little more. In a Marxist Socialism, even those decisions are made for you.
Lack of Innovation
Unless your job is to wonder about and research changes to any part of the system there is no reward for doing things better. Nothing changes and there is no reason for things to change. Personal innovation is at best discouraged at worst prohibited.
Minority Rights
There are none allowed for in Socialism. Where everything is aimed at and counts on the cooperation of the majority the minority any differences cease to exist. Culture, beliefs and customs are the provinces of the majority. There can be no minority.
Too bad for you if you are mentally or physically disabled in any way. The best, the very best you can hope for is compassionate care from whatever pool the majority sees fit to give you. Sequestration and death are a distinct possibility for those individuals in most Socialist constructs.
Socialism is generally regarded as a political system or a potential answer to a problem. There are obviously Socialist governments but almost all governments have some sort of Socialist leaning. Or do they?
Though part of the root word, social and socialism are barely related. Social has individuals working together to produce a better outcome for all. Social is the urge that has led to the rise of civilization in general. Why do we gather in cities and nations? For mutual defense and protection in the beginning, and to meet mutual goals today. We all want a better life for us and our children and the ability to cooperate and share is critical to those primary goals.
In the US many aspects of our daily lives involve social solutions to problems of civilization. Transportation, Fire and Police protection, water and sewer all involve social rather than Socialist solutions. Taxes pay for these essential services and all are regulated and administered by government agencies.
Canada is much the same except that they add health care to the mix. Their health care is 100% funded by the Federal Government using tax revenue. But there are choices. If patients so desire they can go to private physicians. Physicians are not directed by the government to follow specific forms and protocols and they are free to take their practice private if they are inclined to. It is very much social medicine but probably not Socialized. There are restrictions and requirements to be certain but it seems a system that works very well.
The Result of Socialism
Socialism, more than any other governmental form, seems to lend itself to Totalitarian regimes. Leaders of purely Socialist systems tend to be dictators and not freely elected.
The next part of this series will deal with Capitalism. Good, bad, indifferent. In the meantime, I’d like to ask if the readers agree or disagree with Socialist principles and actions. How say you Adsactly?
I leaned heavily on Wikipedia for this post. Particularly for the types and forms of Socialism that you can find here and here.
Authored by: @bigtom13
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This is great education about this nightmare idea of socialism. Bernie Sanders and his cohorts must go and live in Venezuela to check out what life they are seeking. Police and security guard have no guns but the criminal are having all their freedom to carry heavy arms
There are obviously degrees of socialism. One size does not fit all. In fact, in a Socialist country it may fit none, but it is exactly average. The situation in Venezuela is about as extreme as any on earth right now. Sweden however, puts a pretty good face on Socialism.
Considering what's happening to Sweden I don't know how you can say that unless you're in complete denial, even then as well I wouldn't call it a form of socialism to begin with. People keep doing this and it annoys the crap out of me, they keep referencing various European countries as 'successes' of Socialism or the sneakier term 'democratic socialism'.
It's gotten so obnoxious that even in Denmark their prime minister debunked it and said they were not 'socialist' they were a market economy.
It's very easy to claim your favourite ideology as a success when you just redefine everything to suit your arguments.
I'm sorry you are annoyed. I didn't realize that the Nordic model was it's own system. From my perspective it has some aspects of Socialism to go with some aspects of Capitalism. Very successfully, I might add.
There is nothing in the definition of Socialism above that precludes a market economy. I never intimated that Sweeden was anything but a market driven economy.
Would you please remind me what my favorite ideology is? It seems I have some arguments to tailor.
lol I'm just talking generally if you're being genuine about this, the problem is more often than not the people I come into contact with who think that EU countries are 'socialist' in any guise are extremely disingenuous. I just don't think that 'socialism' really has anything to do with it, very often you get ideologues especially like Bernie Sanders who run around screeching it's Democratic Socialism when in reality it's not. If that's not you fair enough, I'm just deeply cynical about the whole thing when it comes to political discourse these days.
At most these countries are mostly market economies with a sprinkling of left wing ideology but because they're doing well anti-capitalists love pretending these countries are 'democratic socialism' then when somebody points to a country like Venezuela they'll claim it's not 'real socialism' despite the ruling party being Socialist as can be.
Neither is Bernie Sanders a true socialist by those definitions which makes your argument of comparison to Venezuela moot.
I am a proponent for a social government within a national framework, it is when the government overextends the ideology that things go south.
This post has it's genesis in a discussion that had two protagonists. One arguing Socialism and one Capitalism. But to me, it sounded like 'Animal Farm' in that they were trying to make the same points from the opposite perspectives.
I hoped for honest discussion about the term itself, and to clarify some of the precepts. The next one will be Capitalism, and I hope to do the same with it.
Plus I think a deep dose of cynicism is a healthy thing today.
Certainly, as a Venezuelan I tell you that even, the guard we are afraid because they are as or more delinquent than the common criminal, already at 6 pm there is almost nobody in the streets because it is really a terrible danger, imagine that neither the houses We can leave them alone for a couple of hours during daylight hours, because it is more likely that they will steal them, it is a nightmare.
Nice post..for me Socialism is the idea that you can reduce misery in this world by redistributing wealth. Socialism redistributes other people’s wealth. If you give away your own wealth, it’s charity.
The idea of equality is central. People are born unequal. Therefore, to attain equality, the disadvantaged people must have preferential treatment. The costs of that must be covered by more privileged members of society.
Justice is another central tenet of Socialism. It means that wealth, or other advantages that people possess through luck, inheritance, or hard work, do not make these people more entitled to anything than other members of society.
Both justice and inequality are abstract constructs that people continuously negotiate among ourselves. Therefore, the definition of these things is fluid and always reflects interests and preferences of competing groups. The most usual definitions of Socialism, equality and justice are a compromise between the most influential groups at the moment.
Well said. It is one of the inherent problems with Socialism. Somebody has to pay.
I like your point when it comes to social vs socialism. In theory, if socialism does what it supposed to do, it redistributes the wealth so that there is no economic inequality in society, including health care for everyone, pension... In capitalism, there is ownership or business owners and there are workers. Usually owners become rich and workers compete for wages. Capitalism is about growth and how to get rich and socialism is about redistribution. It’s clear that Socialism and Capitalism are literally opposite economy policies. However, both if not led properly can lead to disaster. You can clearly see the example in Venezuela when it comes to socialism which led to dictatorship and then led to collapse. On the other hand if capitalism gets out of hand, rich become richer and eventually country can destroy itself as well. In US it’s just inevitable when the country collapses due to its debt and derivatives issues. Than of course there is social democracy which is in other word capitalism, but unlike socialism or capitalism it does allow private ownership, but it is socialism because it taxes the rich and redistributes the wealth to maintain equality. You could call it hybrid of both.
All of them can work well if handled properly. Unfortunately we are humans and eventually greed gets involved and evil replaces good no matter what we do.
My conclusion if I had to choose Socialism or Capitalism I would choose social democracy.
I'm really glad you caught that difference between Socialism and social. All societies need to be social in some ways. Even the Anarchists need to figure out how to keep the traffic lights lit.
You are right. Any form of government can eat it's own tail and end up in a mess.
Thanks for a very thoughtful comment.
A good and educativr article @adsactly and @bigtom13. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Even though I am passionately curious about almost everything, politics and -isms are things that I don't want to know a lot about. Throughout the history, people are experiencing with all -isms and it brought us almost nowhere. Socialism, comminism, marxism, slaveism, idiotism... I really believe thst these systems are made just to brainwash us to think that there is no other way, like love, respect, empathy, and other non-ism words... In every system until now, there were homeless people. Until these -isms solve the homelessness problem, I will stay away from it. For the most part, I believe that in the age of the information, being stupid is a choice. So, I hope we will find some good -ism and start to live a life that we were gifted, not this shaped up-boxed up life...
Thanks Tom for sharing this with us. Good morning read ;) Have a great day and coffee :)
I was a Political Science major in College. I thought of it primarily as history without all the pesky dates. It was, and continues to be, the ramifications of history. So, it interests me.
I agree that what ever form of government you are under tends to continue (Is that the second law of matter and energy?) and that most people are pretty convinced that their particular form of governance is superior. How we treat the poorest members of our society is truly the mark of a government.
Thanks for a very insightful comment.
This is completely the truth! I'm a Venezuelan who likes to read and get informed about the past socialist governments and regimes in history, and it's weird when you realize that everything Karl Marx said in his communist Manifesto is happening here in Venezuela and has happened in other socialist countries.
The first plank of the Communist Manifesto states: "Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose."
This is exactly what this regime is been doing since Chavez was in power. They are either forcing companies to leave the country by imposing sanctions and impossible rules they have to follow, or just directly expropriating the company (illegally), which 99.9% of the times will stop the production.
The fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto also says: "Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly."
The biggest bank in Venezuela Banesco is now being taken away by the regime. Their main goal is to control the transactions and limit the amount of money people are allowed to spend. Many Venezuelans survive by receiving dollars from abroad or making them either working on the internet or re-selling stuff in Colombia. This is not convenient for the government because it makes them lose control over the population. Day by day, the limits decrease and the people who convert our dollars to Bolivares (including SBD), are afraid of being imprisoned and leave the country.
There are some people who say this is not socialism, but if you read all the 10 rules of the Marx's red book, you will realize that all of that is being accomplished here in Venezuela. The countries that proclaim to be socialists and don't follow these rules, are NOT socialist, as simple as that.
The centralization is never a good thing. Everyone must have the rights to decide what they want and the variety of ideologies is something that should always exist.
Finally, I think it's worth for foreigner people to know that tomorrow there are elections, but the regime knows how to play. ALL of the candidates are people from the government pretending to be opposition, in addition to the fact that the regulating entity of the votes (CNE) is Chavista, and they can easily fake the results, at the end of the day, they don't allow the foreign community to check the veracity of the elections.
Sorry for my bad broken English. I had to explain this, I hope my ideas ae understood.
Thank you @bigtom13 and @adsactly for the support!
Marx himself believed Socialism to be simply a way point to Communism.
Thank you for a wonderful 'on the ground' explanation of the process in Venezuela, and your thoughtful comment.
Just want to note that you made an interesting and constructive message. For me, socialism is not an empty word. Socialism is the environment in which my ancestors lived and we live. In fact, this picture of government which was supposed to level the rights of citizens and make their life much better. There are some positive aspects. But alas, this is not enough. The positive sides completely depreciate against the negative sides. That is, this is more bad than good. It's my opinion.
Socialism amazes strong leaders. Strong leaders want more power. When they strengthen their power, they become usurpers. This happens almost always. We can study the history carefully and see it. Simply put - socialism in the literal sense is synonymous with totalitarianism. (semantic synonym). I do not think that "real" socialism has ever been achieved. In fact, the idea of socialism is utopian.
You are right, every ruler creates his own form of socialism. But the basic ideas remain the same. As in other and the result.
I liked the article! It is interestingly described. Thank you
Thanks Franklin. I agree with your assessment, I don't think 'ideal' socialism has ever been achieved. And also you are right when you say it lends itself to totalitarianism.
Thank you for a very thoughtful comment.
Good buddy, I hope you're okay. Socialism is basically a political and economic doctrine that advocates the ownership and administration of the means of production by the working classes in order to achieve an organization of society in which there is political, social and economic equality of all people.
This definition expresses something very interesting:
The truth is that this equality is never fulfilled, except if you are with the government that exercises this type of doctrine, that is to say if you are "plugged in" as we popularly call it here in Venezuela, where we have a great crisis because we are victims of a dictatorship very, very well disguised as socialism, in other words in the style of Cuba.
In your post friend @bigtom13 you said that there could be different types of socialism which may be true, but I see it from another point of view.... socialism is one, only each government decides to adopt it in a different way, that is to say it brings about changes as it sees fit, both ways are valid!!
Well friend, your post has pleased me very much, I think that the inconvenience of the other day is already forgotten...., likewise I reiterate that you have my full support..... Now friend, I would like to know how I can join the @adsactly? writers community. I have a lot of content I'd like more people to read.
Greetings from Venezuela my friend, I hope you will continue like this, now I will follow you in your personal account friend @bigtom13
I am really glad to see your comment.
I like your perspective. That there is only Socialism and each government makes it unique. There are literally hundreds of variations listed in the scholarly material. I'll ponder on that some. A thing I had never considered.
Are you able to join our Discord room? We have others there from Venezuela. If you can come there I can give you the information about adsactly writers. There are some other programs you might be interested in also. https://discord.gg/bGNJ34
Thanks friend, it is true that everyone has a different perspective, but we are not so far from reality....
I will now join your chat discord @bigtom13, I would also like to receive the other information.
I think it is entirely untrue to say that there is “inherent fairness” in socialism. The state forcibly seizing a redistributing wealth hardly seems “fair”. I suppose if you are only considering the final out come its fair in a way, but what it would realisticly take to get there would be extremely unfair.
“Less stress” doesn’t even seem to make sense from a pro-socialist perspective. Surely if we are all working for the betterment of the state, we would have much less time for leisure than we would if we were filthy capitalist self-interested pigs, no?
There are no valid arguments for socialism.
Socialism sucks.
Better Dead Than Red
Well, lets just say I don't agree.
There is an inherent fairness in the Socialist model. All are equal. Not that it works out that way, but that is the model.
And if the state makes every decision for you, what do you have to stress over?
For the record: Generally speaking it is Communism that is considered 'Red'. Socialism is not Communism.
I am completely against socialism. If someone invests their authority in a social construct, they are a socialist.
If they invest authority in social constructs that deny individual liberty, they are a harmful and aggressing socialist.
How could you write a long essay on Socialism but never mention Leon Trotsky one time?
Or the different ideological goals between Stalin (National) and Trotsky (International)?
Or the History of these political movements, their ideological / organizational lineage say from the early 1900s up to today...?
This is more of an academic essay on the idea of Socialism in Theory rather than a study of the system through its application over time.
At least your conclusion hit the nail on the head:
"Socialism, more than any other governmental form, seems to lend itself to Totalitarian regimes. Leaders of purely Socialist systems tend to be dictators and not freely elected."
Well, I wasn't writing a book. You are absolutely correct, I was aiming for the idea of Socialism rather than the practice. I really was aiming at today's world and the little bit of history was for context, not study.
I'm currently writing a similar piece on Capitalism. Depending on how that goes I may go more in depth on specific forms and types.
Thank you for a good, questioning comment. Always appreciated even though I ducked the answer :)
Quests to create a Utopia invariably lead to Dystopia. That alone keeps me away from Socialism. I'm quite happy with the mixed economy model in my country - private companies running businsses, with a social safety net for those who truly need it.
Yes. I'm glad you mentioned the difference between Socialism and Social. Big difference. All societies need some sort of social structure. Finding the right balance for all is the key.
I like it when leaders are freely elected therefore i would say I'm not a fan of the socialist system of government........
I'm looking out for your writeup on capitalism; i think that's gonna be great and I'll get to tap a lot of new knowledge from it.... Much love @joyart
Yes. That generally seems to become a problem for Socialist countries. Free elections.
Totally disagree especially with your assessment of inherent problems in socialism.
Almost all the things you mentioned as problems in socialism are in fact general problems that occur on a much higher scale in the countries which have capitalist countries (or whatever you want to call them). All this is just a perception which was and is still helped to create a false narrative which has been going on forever in the american corporate media. Actually the facts say totally the opposite of this.
I think you are also totally wrong when you say there are minority rights allowed in socialism. The facts say totally the opposite.
Nice post @bigtom13. I myself am a "Social Butterfly"... Not sure if that makes me a "Socialist" or not. But I love to be very social, caring and giving. It is just the way I am. I think the word "Socialist" would be better if it referred to people who are sociable rather than the negative side of the coin. I always vote for love. Thanks for sharing @adsactly and @bigtom13.
Now lookit what you've done. You've made me giggle and I was doing so good at being grown up and serious.
I agree though. If well all voted for love the form of government wouldn't matter a bit.
Thanks Jeronimo!
You are a true human Brother @bigtim13. I know you spread love every day into the world we live in. This is a wonderful thing indeed. I am always humbled by your visits. Have a blessed day.
Speaking of socialism will never run out, because we always find it anywhere, Socialism rejects society based on caste. But the socialists believe that it is possible to make the transition from capitalism to socialism without a fundamental change in the nature of the state. They hold this view because they do not regard the capitalist state as the basic institution for the dictatorship of the capitalist class but rather as a good piece of equipment that can be used in any class interest to gain command over it.
Socialism and Capitalism just can't go hand in hand by definition. There has to be a form of government between the two to see some sort of hybrid. Democracy, or perhaps a functional Republic could possibly work that marriage.
Very good post @adsactly, your words are great for all of us, because this can add science knowledge and new insight to everyone. Honestly, I do not really understand the politics, therefore I am very happy to membanca your post, sambill I can learn about the politics of the country. Speaking of politics, sometimes it confuses me, because in my opinion, politics is very cruel, and politics never knows friends and relatives.
In a country all must have socialism, so all people can get a happiness from their government, I think the most important thing is about economic socialism, if in a country can already hold its own control on the economy, I am sure, all the people will feel prosperity , because the main problem for society is about the economy, if the economy is good and there is no interference, then the country will always be peaceful and prosperous.
Thanks for sharing @adsactly, this is a very useful science for all of us, let me always learn to you. Hope you have a wonderful day...
Just that socialism doesn´t lead to a prosperous economy.
yes, that's true as you say, if in a country has a good economy, and the government wants to see the economic system for its people. Thank you for your comment...
Theoretical Socialism would lead to peace, prosperity and happiness throughout the land. Practical Socialism never ever meets that ideal.
thank you very much @bigtom13, you already want to explain about Socialism correctly for me, I think you are very understanding about politics, I see, you know more about this
Great post. I'm a proud capitalist. I love capitalism bcos it gives everyone an equal opportunity to get rich, it is the most moral economic system and it makes the world less violent.
Socialism works. But not many people know exactly what it is. They just listen to their parents who grew up during the "socialism is an evil Russian plot" era. Taxes, for example, is a socialist idea when implemented correctly.
Everyone contributes, and everyone benefits. Health care, child care, elderly care, income equality, economic safeguards and stability, work place negotiating, etc.
I agree that Socialism can work. Like everything else, it is almost never all one way or the other way. It seems to pivot on the will of the people to make it work.
In my country (Venezuela) since 19 years we are under a socialist government and I can say with total certainty that it is a system that is not in line with the globalized times in which we live, the government in my country manages hydrocarbon companies, food production , medicines and we are also under a system of exchange control that does not allow us to have free access to foreign currency that has resulted in one of the most corrupt governments in the world. In short, the socialist system is something that has been implemented in many countries without successful result
Venezuela is certainly the poster for the failure of Socialism. I sometimes wonder if the result would have been different were the leaders not so corrupt and intent on filling their own pockets. We'll never know.
Thanks for a comment from the real world. I really do appreciate it.
I never agreed with the socialist system in my country, they sold them the idea that it would be the solution to poverty but that is very far from reality. The great problem of our region is corruption in our governments, especially in an exporting oil country and with so many natural resources I think that a government should only give us social and economic stability so that its people can develop and have a successful life on their own
Thanks to this medium and this great community we can express our thoughts so that people know the reality that we live in our countries
@Adsaclty This was one really clear and exact post about socialism. And I must tell you, you are 100% right about socialism lending itself in totalitarian goverments, I'm from Venezuela, and it's a total nightmare of a country to live now. Great post.
Thank you for your comment. I wish the best for you and your country.
@adsactly Outside the problems you listed about socialism, Socialism itself slows economic growth and due to some others factors too it leads to less entrepreneurial opportunity and competition in that system, and a potential lack of motivation by individuals due to lesser rewards.
Oh yeah. Lack of individual motivation is inherent. Lack of group motivation grows out of that.
Most definitely! You get my point.
True words sir.
Socialism or Capitalism are nothing except Humanity. That is the highest form of egalitarianism
What a breath taking post on Socialism. I have read this article and found it worthy for research purpose, i am going to up vote and resteem this work, so others can benefit from your pool of knowledge. Thank you for this knowledge.
@adsactly #GoodMorning&HappyWeekend
I read all the post . very informative post . Socialism is very essential for human right . hope come back such kind of informative post.
Another real problem of the real socialism, the main one, in my opinion, and that you have forgotten is that the workers did not have the control and domain of the companies. Control, domain and even ownership across the state. The party, the bureaucracy, appropriated the companies. Ahy, the property that old affair.
You are correct. Real world worker owned and controlled businesses is pretty darn rare. It has to do with the capital and the control of it. Hence Capitalism. Or state owned Socialism.
A very good post and subject. In this modern time socialism is not familiar to most people. So if people say you are a socialist they mean social. I am not a socialist nor social. If it comes to most people are not. I agree Socialism is a political solution for modern slavery of the government. I know plenty of elderly people living in East Europe who want it back. After all these years the biggest group is still not used or motivated to work. Now they sit home, drink, feel depressed because they also lost the social aspect of "nobody is jobless". They never learned to keep themselves busy. Btw also in Socialism (or communism) there is a rich top and there always was. Not eating and being dressed like the rest and driving a fat car and travelling the world.
I have a world theory that holds that it takes one full generation before the full effect of a radical change in any large institution can be truly tested. For instance: Harry Truman integrated the US armed forces in 1948. By 1978 it was fully accomplished, but it took another generation (30 years) for it to not be a thing.
The people that really got shellacked in Eastern Europe are the ones that spent the bulk of their life under the old system and had no real way to make the change to the new. I strongly suspect that when their children put children in the mix it will not be a 'thing'. Time will tell, but sometimes it takes some serious time to really see what happened.
This made a lot of sense to me. Thank you @adsactly for sharing such an educative interesting content.
That is the Alpha and Omega of the debate. One is pretty attractive the other pretty frightening.
Thanks for the comment Izge.
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Eat more potatoes, Comrade!
Thanks for the upvote. I really do appreciate it.
When Karl Max made that theory, he perhaps never envisaged that it would be as bastardized as it was in the recent history of the world.
One common feature of socialist systems is the loss of freedom of the individual. There, everyone is expected to follow a pattern, whether or not you agree with it. And with such a strict system comes the loss of "individuality", of innovations of diversity.
Perhaps the best example of that, and which of course has over the years tended to communism is China. They've found a way to adapt both socialism and capitalism with the government maintaining huge influence in every day Life in the country.
When the model has worked well for China, evident by its massive growth and growing economic power, a number of other countries have suffered at it. Take Cuba, Venezuela etc.
So, the point must be made, whether socialism or capitalism, perhaps it is how the system of government is operated that really matters. In today's world, capitalism wins. But even in capitalist States, some form of government control, minimal sometimes, exists!
So are you @bigtom13 a socialist? You are free to choose what you want to be- in a capitalist society that is. Lol.
Thanks for the piece by the way.
China and Vietnam present a problem for the 'experts'. Whether they should be classified as Socialist with Capitalist parts, or as State Capitalism. I brushed by it for the most part in this post, I would bet that the piece on Capitalism will mention them too. The implication for those two is clear. Capitalism works (generally speaking) even if some of the business is state owned. An interesting situation to be sure.
Thanks for a really considered comment.
The sad thing about socialism is that it's worker doesn't have the power in their work unlike in a democratic government
Amazing....This is great education about idea of socialism....I like it and it's good post
Increible post, muy acertado y muy educativo sobre el socialismo. Gracias jefe. @bigtom13
Great education about the concept of this nightmare of this socialism. Barney Sanders and his colleagues will go to Venezuela and examine what they are looking for. Police and security forces have no guns but the criminal has the freedom to carry their heavy weapons. Thank you for the post..
Here's a problem with socialism, capitalism and all the other sorts of "ism" there are.
It doesn't take into account corruption. Sure the systems are perfect on paper but the implementation from paper to reality isn't a smooth one, but it isn't free from corruption because at the end of the day a small group people hold nearly all of the power in the country. This hierarchy still exists where people at the top will always be more powerful than people at the Bottom. Therefore the few who are will always dictate how a country should run based on their ideologies.
Absolutely. That is the fact for all.
Not sure if the world really knows what socialism is if he or she is not from the eastern soviet block. Only there the life showed what socialism can do, how you can lose everything in a second and get stripped of all your work. I know it for sure and believe me that no one would want to live something like this. If you want freedom of mine and body, get this word out of your system and look forward other ideologies.

I'm a voluntaryist, very refreshing to see people openly criticising Socialism, that being said I probably shouldn't be all that surprised since anti-capitalists unless they're massive hypocrites would take part in an experiment like Steem.
I think perhaps you should at least come take a look at our Discord room. You might be surprised for the second time today. https://discord.gg/33cJUr
A very good post and subject. In this modern time socialism is not familiar to most people.
merrian webster is a great dictionary it gives accurate meaning of the word. They hold this view because they do not regard the capitalist state as the basic institution for the dictatorship of the capitalist class but rather as a good piece of equipment that can be used in any class interest to gain command over it.Ahy, the property that old affair.
Society will still need only certain number of workers of each type. To get into some jobs you will need qualifications and skills that not every person has. Thus people will not always get the job they want and may end up doing some that are less desirable, but at least they do not face an income loss if that happens.
Great share... I like merrian webster dictionary.
thanks for the share
merrian webster is a great dictionary it gives accurate meaning of the word. i also use it
great choice for dictionary
Great post man!!!
Keep sharing such kinds of posts... God bless you @adsactly...
This is great education about this nightmare idea of socialism. Bernie Sanders and his cohorts must go and live in Venezuela to check out what life they are seeking. Police and security guard have no guns but the criminal are having all their freedom to carry heavy arms..
This is great idea about socialism for people
Good post, I like your post @adsactly
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This is great education about this nightmare idea of socialism. Bernie Sanders and his cohorts must go and live in Venezuela to check out what life they are seeking. Police and security guard have no guns but the criminal are having all their freedom to carry heavy arms
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а что вы скажите о советском союзе там пытались построить социализм многие которые родились и выросли в союзе тех времен вспоминают о нем с теплотой что тогда было лучше бесплатное образование бесплатное лечение но было очень много запретов небыло свободы.