Stockholm Syndrome or Denial?

in #politics6 years ago

What are Americans suffering from?

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It is both Stockholm syndrome and denial. The financial crisis of 2008 is still harming the psyche of the USA and many people felt that they lost the ability to take care of themselves. Technology is so overwhelming for so many that they feel that they need a government to help them. They don't realize that what they think is the cure is really the problem.

Whenever someone asks these questions we can assume there is some projection going on.

maybe Muricans are beginning to look in the mirror and see very uncomfortable things. Like US based on genocide and slavery and plundering and braindraining the rest of the world while its managers are located in London (US being only UK 2.0) and Jerusalem.

I think study shows that most Americans suffer from anxiety, depression and stress. What causes this things? I think what people should know is that they need to free their minds more and focus on life, see the big picture and enjoy everyday. Freedom is the word

Americans have some attachments which they need to disintegrate from. I believe this is the way out of any suffering they might be facing and they need a responsive govt to probably achieve some of them

I think it's a bit of both combined with the fear of the unknown. 'the devil you know and all that...' It's so bad that a lot of us realize the system and our current ways of doing things is not working but deliberately ignore under the guise of 'security'.

What they don't know is that failure to act now makes it that more difficult to recover from the devastating effects of the system in the future.

P. S @adamkokesh my dtube isn't opening for some reason, I couldn't watch the video. Please upload it on YouTube, thanks

Update: Watched it. I still basically stand by what I've said

This questions should have never came up if they was room for inclusive government where the people are free to air their views and make their plight known but we have a society that is ridden by sentiments from the people in the top seat. Even though I think freedom of speech might not be all, I still feel it will go a long way to put some things in the right perspective.

Please how can I get a signed copy of your book?

Hey @ adamkokesh,This post really helpful and great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good.

we will always support the freedom that is done @adamkokesh forward .. good luck

Wonderful work always forward

Please try your best and give American more freedom

We shall give support

Denial is one of the most powerful and little talked about things that we all do to some extent and in many ways. The ability of human kind to live in a state of perpetual denial is simply breathtaking. It covers an immense array of things well beyond the scope of noticing you’ve been turned into a slave of State. Simply denying the existence of God, to me, is the ultimate denial.

The idea that you are happy with your life when in fact you’d long given up the hope or dream of being truly happy; somewhere around primary school age. Denial is the most destructive force that we do unto ourselves that I have come across. It may be some kind of survival instinct, to allow the mind to cope with conflicting realities and information. It may seem to serve people so that they can continue the life they have grown accustomed to. We hypnotize ourselves 80% of the time, and the other 20% we leave it to others to do.

We love government because we can blame them for everything and ignore the rest of the stuff they do because otherwise we might have to take responsibility for our lives and beyond. Maybe that is the golden nugget here. People are downright miserable, and who wants to blame themselves for that!?

The speculation of a 'broken heart' becomes a neat narrative when the problem is not surprising to an older person with an underlying health problem. In any case, the death of a loved one is a dangerous time for a surviving spouse, says Dr. Nieca Goldberg.
When people are depressed, they may not eat, they may ignore the symptoms of pain, and want to be stoic. They must be stressed and probably not enough rest. All of these can set the stage for life-threatening conditions,

I am not American and I am not in any position to talk about what you are living, but I believe that your ideals are very fair and I support you in your struggle for the freedom of your country. Good job

according to my observations that occurred in North Dakota, South Dakota, Maine and Wyoming were flu. Lung disease is responsible for most deaths in mining countries such as West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Kentucky. In Connecticut and New York, the leading cause of death is pelvic inflammatory disease. The number of deaths due to illness varies from state to state, as in Florida there were 15,000 deaths from HIV and the most typical deaths in Louisiana due to syphilis. Surprisingly, law enforcement officials are responsible for higher deaths in Nevada, New Mexico and Oregon, as well as due to legal executions. "Although efforts to prevent chronic diseases must be continued to suppress the most common (national) conditions.

awesome video.
Hope your dream free America from federal government.

Many of the most common American diseases that cause death for Americans are cancer and heart disease. However, a new map of the disease reveals something else. This map highlights what diseases kill people in each of the 50 states in the country.

i will support you pak @adamkokesh to free america from federal state

Dear @adamkokesh, Bill Weld is a Politician. In my opinion hes only interested in looking good and I doubt he genuinely has the libertarian party or the libertarian ideology at heart. You will do well to be cautious of him

At whatever point somebody makes these inquiries we can accept there is some projection going on.we will dependably bolster the opportunity that is done @adamkokesh forward .. good fortunes This post extremely supportive and incredible post! I making the most of your substance.

the suffering that Americans are now experiencing is a mental disorder affecting millions of people in America. Even some require psychotherapy for years. In some cases, psychological problems are very rare and strange. mental disorder caused by trauma, kidnapping, rape, drugs and the most tragic is ethnic warfare caused by the ruler.

American people fear lots of things. From person to person it varies. For the government level or politician is afraid to loose ability to rule over the world. They are always afraid someone will take it from them. They are afraid of aliens, black people, people from other countries and etc etc.... You can not explain everything on a single book. You have to open a new wiki on the matter i believe.

The most common illness of America is mentally ill like a trump who suffers from a mental illness.
American society has begun to be mentally ill during trump as president of the United States.

go ahead @adamkokeah to free the American from mental illness.

Americans suffer because leaders are cruel and want change and there is worthy to replace it, enough already suffering let build happiness with you

i have heard many stories from people about you @adamkokesh and finally today i found you, i just read freedom through linkfreedom and you have brought me to find freedom of life. i am sure you are a person good and worthy of being a leader of the future. Today I am immersing myself with libertian, if you do not mind visiting my blog for my self-knowledge with libertian, how happy would be if you deepen about libertian for me @adamkokesh

Agreed. Totally agreed!

Have a good job

You have a huge goal with the running for president, but I love it!
Thanks for showing that this is a NEED for Americans.
Upvoted and I am now following you.