Libertarian State Senator of Nebraska Laura Ebke at LPMI

in #politics7 years ago

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I believe the Libertarians were given a big boost after the absurdity of the last election. The USA, and even the rest of the world for that matter, can't afford another Trump, or Clinton, or Bush!


Hey! I'm from NE! I also share a lot of Libertarian viewpoints. Did you post this just for me?

I had the privilege of getting to know Laura last October at a meeting of a handful of state Libertarian Party chairs in Indianapolis. I was impressed with her practical advice on what it takes to campaign for and win an election. And on how you govern, once elected. She will share that advice at our candidate workshops on March 10 near East Lansing. And she’ll be our featured speaker for our LibertyFest banquet that evening, following our national convention delegate selection convention.

politics the right way fight

I believe so, America will be free again. Freedom is the only source to one's happiness

Politics is right ho political people.but this post will be knowledgeable to everyone.keep aharing

very enter this post,
I strongly support you @adamkokesh

The Libertarian has an opportunity to win some seats, but it seems some are way too willing to step away from their principles. I wont support the libertarian party directly, but I do wish them luck in the election.

I am sure, America will be free again. Freedom is the only source of happiness for Americans.

Sometimes we get lost in the big battles like disolving the federal government. It is good to see the fights occuring in the local community. What is even better is when we win. Jury nulification will always be relevent because it will remain an issue in local communities as they organize themselves. Some of those communities will make dumb decisions. Local nulification through the local court system they have organized could be another method to improve that community.

hopefully I got the value from you @adamkokesh.
i like freedom

Wow great HelpFull post😍

@adamkokesh thanks for taking an initiative and fighting back for our liberty and freedom, I hope you best for your purpose in life and may God bless you for your safety from dealing with the Government, because the government is the problem.

I am very supportive of politics how to fight with healthy and true,

Dan bagaimana Anda memerintah, begitu terpilih. Dia akan membagikan saran itu di lokakarya kandidat kami pada 10 Maret dekat East Lansing. Dan dia akan menjadi pembicara utama kami untuk perjamuan LibertyFest malam itu,

It's really interesting post. Thanks for sharing it.

The Libertarian party really needs to organize better

Talks like this make me glad to be involved in the Arizona branch of the Libertarian Party.