This is an opinion piece.
New World Order
Considered to be a Conspiracy Theory
The New World Order or NWO is claimed to be an emerging clandestine totalitarian world government by various conspiracy theories. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been purported to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.
I am sure we have all heard of the NWO. It has been bantered around for many decades since after WWII.
Supposedly, the Illuminati is part of this theory. It is a Cabal of people around the world that is intent on bringing a one world government to control the Earth. The Cabal is made up of the very rich including the traitor George Soros, the few people that control most of the wealth in the world today and most of the media. It is also made up of people with different scientific backgrounds that are needed to put the plan in place. Think Bilderberg Group
If we look at the Earth today we see many parts of this plan already constructed. We have huge organizations such as the IMF, WTO, WHO, UN, the EU and others. Taking a closer look at these "structures" we see that they all started because of trade between countries, with the exception of the UN to a certain degree. Perhaps many of these organizations were started with good intentions, however, politics and agendas have made many redundant and are no longer the same as when they were implemented. Take, for example, the UN. When first conceived it was an organization to maintain peace on the planet. It was then called the League of Nations which was founded in 1920. Because it was ineffectual and because of world war two it was disbanded and in 1945 the UN was formed. It has also become ineffectual and is now just a political tool used by the majority of nations to bash Israel. It should be disbanded as all it has done is make many unworthy people and nations wealthy. It has done very little to alleviate the suffering of peoples around the world.
In my 70 years on Earth we have always had war. To me, this means that the UN has failed to protect the lives of the hundreds of millions of humans that they were formed to protect. This is a miserable failure on their part.
The same can be said of the WHO. Countless millions have died of disease under their watch.
Now we get to the EU. Made up of 28 countries in Europe, the EU is a political, economic, monetary and citizenship coalition that promotes free trade and movement within its borders. It is headquartered in Brussels. It's beginnings can be traced back to 1951 by an agreement in the Treaty of Paris and later in the 1957 Treaty of Rome. During it's existence other member countries joined the EU until its present count of 28 countries.
But what is happening to the EU now? Like the UN it has become very political in nature and has imposed its will on the 28 member states. It too has made many people at the top very, very wealthy with immense power.
The EU is now on a decline mainly because of its immigration policies which has seen millions of Muslims, mostly young single men, migrating into Europe. Most all of these Muslim refugees are not refugees at all. They are simply migrants moving from poor countries to wealthy countries. Muslims do not integrate into the societies they migrate to, but rather setup their own communities and use the laws of these democracies to impose their philosophies onto the citizens that have let them settle into their countries. They create their own areas, shops, customs and sharia laws.
Because the Muslim philosophies are incompatible with the western Christian philosophies of the host countries, and because of their antiquated religious texts it is hard for both sides to comprehend each other.
You have to understand that Islam is a new religion compared to Christianity. Christianity is 600 years older and a lot of thinking and trial and error has taken place to make Christianity the more peaceful and benevolent religion we see today. Although Islam is always touted as "the religion of peace" it is far from that.
I will not make excuses for the atrocities of the Christian religion. There are many, and many people have died because of it. Like all things, Christianity has evolved and the vast majority of Christians live in harmony. The same cannot be said about Islam. It has had very few evolutions in its history. In many ways it reminds me of the Old Testament in the bible. An eye for an eye. A cruel God. But in the west we have evolved beyond that.
Just look at the number of attacks that have taken place in western society since the influx of predominantly Muslim migrants. They have no regard for our beliefs. They want us to change to accommodate their barbaric beliefs.
Do not misunderstand me. There are many more peaceful Muslims than radical Muslims throughout the world.
I do not blame Muslims for migrating to Europe to find a better life for their families. We would all be doing the same thing if the shoe were on the other foot! My family emigrated from England to Canada in search of a better life.
It is my belief that this mass migration of Muslims was orchestrated by the NWO. The purpose of such a plan is quite apparent. It is the old divide and conquer trick used throughout history. A nation divided is much easier to control.
Look at the media in the US and around the world. Most of the big media used to be well respected. Now it is not a news media at all, but rather an opinion media that is used to sway people into division. I have given up watching the news media because it is so biased and one sided. Conquer and Divide.
What is happening today is that the NWO is failing as people are starting to wake up as to what our leaders are doing. Freedom of speech is being taken away. In Canada we have the infamous M103, the Islamophobia motion that makes it impossible to even have a debate about Islam. If you do, you are call a racist and Islamophobic. Although, for the life of me, I don't see how a religion is a race! It is my right under the law to criticize and offend anyone I wish as long as it does not incite violence. That is slipping away. But I digress.
More and more countries in the EU cannot afford looking after the masses of migrants flooding into their countries and we are seeing more elections that have the Right winning. Italy just told 500,000 migrants to pack their bags and get ready to be deported. Austria, is closing it's borders and closing mosques as well as deporting 70 radical Imams that preach hate. Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, and many other countries have put up borders to stop the flow of migrants into and through their countries. They disagree with the EU's policies and are tired for having the extra financial burden placed on them. Soon they will do what Britain is doing and exit the EU.
This is the beginning of the end of the EU as we know it.
You can see it happening on the other side of the world in the US. Donald Trump is protecting his people from these globalists. Whether you like Trump or not, he is stopping this New World Order. If Trump had not won the election things would have spiraled downhill under Hillary Clinton as they did under Obama!
I believe in 10 years the EU will all but be dismantled and we will have sovereign nations looking after their own affairs.
The NWO experiment will never die but it will be set back and the Cabal will have to rethink their strategies. Even now they are starting to panic as they see their power starting to slip away. In 100,000 years we may all be one race with beautiful brown skin and tolerance for all people. If we survive that long.
A good time to start should be now!
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