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RE: Politically Incorrect with Schattenjaeger #1: Discrimination is a Human Right

in #politicallyincorrect7 years ago (edited)

Assholes are assholes, in every creed and color, I'll be friends with anyone who is willing to be friends with me, I may not like their opinions, but I won't sacrifice mine, if it comes down to a choice between one or the other, the one who put me in that situation can go. We all people, if that 80 year old man walks into your club and wants to be a stripper, give him a Teusday afternoon shift. He'll be a step up from what your probably serving that time of day, and your regulars will either get a kick out of it or he'll be booed off stage. I don't think it should be on us to discriminate. I believe Simpsons called it in a shop sign 'Our prices discriminate so we don't have to' I think one of our biggest problems today is economic discrimination, somehow people up to there grand children's neck in debt can turn up their nose at a homeless man who is free, albeit chained to the charity of you and me. Inside the secret hearts and wallets of men, broken, broke and to afraid to become something that's so ingrained to protest, the poor.


Do you differentiate someone not wanting to be friends with an asshole, from someone not wanting to be friends with someone of color, for example? If so, why?

Let's say that, to that person, both of those qualities are unpleasant.

Nobody is born an asshole. That's the difference. I've met plenty of nice people of every creed colour gender designation and sexuality. I've also met, and generally steered clear of the Assholes of similar. I don't have time for that energy. I've met rich assholes and poor assholes, being a good person doesn't take much effort, but some people choose to be assholes. Discrimination in our modern language in reference to your posting, is judging people by things beyond their control rather than how they are and what they know.

I actually disagree. I believe the person we become is more deterministic than we may think. It's all about the type of brain we get at birth; being a murderer doesn't make much sense, since it's highly illegal, and will likely lead to jail time.

But some people have the brain of a murderer, and will therefore become murderers.

Just like aggressive people may just have prefrontal lobes that are too small and adrenal glands that are too big, and those are features received at birth.

You may be knowledgeable to the fact that a lot of inmates have been found to have an xxy chromosome, you may also be surprised to find that in societies where people are not sexually discriminated against there are lower recriminations against them. Environment does more to change a persons perspective then birth can.
I don't believe any one to be preprogrammed, and although their raising may be unfortunate, generally as a society how we treat people is how they'll react.
If I act like an asshole, I expect to get treated like an asshole, the same goes for if I just want to have a fair shake to get through the day. Each of us eat for sustenance and shit when need be. No matter what colour or how big you have jacked your adrenal glands on steroids, but that's a mentality I can't get behind.
That's right, I discriminate against people who cheat, lie, steal and fight. I have zero tolerance for rapists and kiddy diddlers. Would I hire one as a baby sitter? Fuck no. But know one pops out of the womb plotting how to rape their way back into one.

People have to earn respect and trust. It is not a given. If someone has a discriminatory encounter as a person of color, or people with certain hairdo, it's part of an experience someone may have had with someone of that group previously. If that experience is due to immoral teachings, than it is up to the one being 'discriminated against' to prove them wrong. Again - morality must be part of the discussion.

When people are hurt by rejection - it is a symptom of pride and insecurity.

Just had to butt in there...