
Welcome to Steemit! Good to have you here. Another great youtuber joins.

(Yea breaking my promise not to vote on steemit things today, but this is important.)

Dave i have followed you since around episode 600 ish. You definitely bring alot to steemit. About a week ago you did a pair of episodes where your tone changed alot where you said the plan was confirmed. Dictating how Trump was gonna collapse the system to bring down the deep state. Gave me chills lol. Caused me to look into more long term food.
Good to see you on here.

Glad to see you have joined Steemit! Love your work, hopefully steemit can help you monetize all the hard work you put in Dave!

Dave! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Seth Rich wasn't murdered! He clearly committed suicide by shooting himself twice in the back. No competent investigator could possibly conclude otherwise.

Nice... Welcome to Steemit x22report !!!
I've watched you for a couple years on YouTube, great to see you here.
Up voted, followed, and resteemed

"The bigger question is how was this leaked." Easy one: Someone in Congress, perhaps on a committee dealing with security, and a Democrat, was briefed on the meeting as a matter of course...and leaked while blowing the matter totally out of proportion.

People need to start going to jail for these leaks!!!

Yes, but it never seems to happen. Funny, that.

Very true....

Great to find you on steemit. Listened to a lot of you YouTube video. Always full of useful and we'll researched information as always. Thx.

Good to see you here, more and more are moving here from Youtube

Great to have you on Steemit! Also thanks for mentioning Steemit, getting the word out there is hard to do.

Awesome video as always. Makes you wonder what those elites are up to? I think it's a good idea to step up the preparedness to the next level! DR

Is there another video service that can be used to take traffic away from YouTube? Has anybody been using LBRY?

Washington Post...who hired on Podesta, yeahhhhh real good people working there :(

Crazy times, these...


How long until Trump starts going after WaPo and other Deep State propaganda tools for acts of sedition? Thank God for the true media and outlets like Steemit.

every time i watch videos like this on youtube they freeze or load continuously can anyone tell me why this is happening.

Welcome to the Steemit platform @x22report
I've been following you for awhile on youtube but rarely go there anymore!
Love your take on Gold and Silver!

I love your ability to look at things going on using logic and critical thinking. You dont just jump to conclusions and start blabbing like a bumbling idiot who has not looked and listened and thought things through. I also keep asking myself how the MSM is allowed to keep their broadcasting liscenses as news channels? Wby are they not arrested for leaking information designed to make America unsafe. I'm new to streemit also.

As each day goes by, I am getting more and more concerned that they will take him out. We need more good guys, one man cannot do this alone.

Another great video.

Awesome to see ya on here Dave.

Thanks Dave for your hard work. As I get my kids breakfasts and school lunches made I tune in to your reports. I think of it as my morning news upload. Keep it up brother.

Glad you made it to Steemit! I actually asked you on Twitter today if you would give me permission to repost your shows on Steemit. Guess the answer is no.

Glad to see you here Dave!!!

Great to see you here on Steemit! I'm an avid X22 Report listener, and I can't begin to tell you how I look forward to hearing you without the censors' interference. This is going to be fun :)

how long have you been doing this?

I am so happy you arrived @steemit finally! I am a long time listener Dave.

Very soon, you will not even be thinking about foogle ad(non)sense. What is a monitezation ? What ?

Super Hyper Welcome

Dave, expand the thinking. The DNC would have asked Comey to find the leaker. Like a good soldier, Comey would have used the resources of the FBI to uncover Seth Rich and inform either Podesta or Huma. The word of the leaker would have circulated at the highest levels in the DNC & the Clinton campaign, and the 'next step' would have been a group decision. To keep their alibis clean, the matter would have gone to somewhere higher in the deep state hierarchy, where a hasty knee-jerk emotional and angry decision was made and paid for by this very connected and powerful person who also had the power to have the media bury the story, and the FBI to bury the evidence. Very few people can do this. But killing Seth was a mistake because too many people would have been in the loop in the campaign and in the DNC. Sooner or later somebody is going to spill the beans to save their own skin. Watch for the deep state to possibly create an event like a market crash to divert the attention of the world while the deep state works in the background to clean this mess up, but the one person they dare not touch is Comey...

Enjoying your posts, dude. Glad to have ya on steemit.

Hey. Been following your work religiously since around episode 80 and it's been a great. Thanks for sharing the existence of Steemit with us along with other alternative platforms. The time is now to boycott FB, Twitter and the rest of the censorship giants. Keep it up. Thanks from Portugal.

Welcome FINALLY @x22report NOW on STEEMIT

Welcome to Hotel FEMA. You can check in, but never check out.

this story, that came out of the washington post "newspaper", about trump, was promoted here in germany, by the main TV channels, at every news break this morning. very sad to watch the fake news willing to manipulate the people and they believe in it -.-' .

!support german Holsten beer the finest brand in the world and have a nice day :)

and, for this is my first post ever on the internet, pls excuse my worse english
LG from germany ..Prost

Dave, it's great to see you on Steemit! Followed!
That's going to be a bummer for those guys who have been stealing your videos and posting them up here. Oh well, I guess they will have to come up with some original content.

Any chance you could do an intro post?

Awesome! I'm so glad to see you on Steemit! I follow you on YouTube, but what they are doing to many of the channels I subscribe to is criminal. At least here you will be paid without censorship, including us viewers.

Welcome to Steemit, your posts will be adding even more great contents to the already growing line of great reporters of truth here. 🌟 Hoping Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog and the very knowledgeable Clif High also joins 😊

Welcome to Steemit, @x22report

I listen or read all post form the X22report! It's awesome the greats from YouTube....(CensorTube) are posting on Steemit!

Welcome Dave

Hi Dave,
Great to see you here. Your assessments adds much to the overall view of
the world. The hysteria of the msm is palpable.

is it true, or did you see it on the lamestream media?

I'd love to see x22report directly uploading videos to steemit without the youtube detour. Does anyone know when steemit video upload is available?

I really like your reports. They are spot on. Thank you for keeping us informed as to what is happening.

Do you earn Steem when we upvote your videos, or how does that work?

HI Dave ,been listening to your show twice a day for over a year now . very informative , keep up the good work ..

People need to understand that this system is not something that can and honestly even SHOULD be saved. What we ALL should be working toward both as individuals and as a collective. Is working to help save ourselves, our friends, our family. Even our dogs and cats, dare I say. I am a 9/11 U.S. Navy Veteran. I served this country when I thought I heard that, "Call." Only to come back home, start going to college to see an infowars bumper sticker that read... 9/11 was an inside job. Yeah, you DAMN right I got pissed off. I also realized it was time for me to grow up, mature a little bit. Then start using Google, when it was a decent search engine, to figure our WHY anyone who was not INSANE would make such a statement. Ever since then I have been awake!

"Professor" Dave, as I refer to him as. Is a really good source for insight on what's going on in the back and foreground. Not everything he says is 100% accurate or spot on. That's not a knock on him, it's just the objective truth. I am sure Dave would agree. People, we need to use and never lose our own discernment, objectivity, common sense... and our critical thinking skills.

I do not know if this is allow and if it's not I really do not care!!! IF you are tired of people like Alex (King of Fear-Porn) Jones and their Israel loving talking points. I am not against Jews or Israel. DISCLAIMER: I am against Zionist Jews and those who willingly and directly/indirectly favor them and their superiority complex. Please try Michael Rivero and his website He has a weekday 3-hour radio show. That again is WAY better than Alex "Fear-Porn" Jones!



Dave! Happy to be on on Steemit bc YT is getting too self important and I was never able to find where to comment.

I am super happy you mentioned this propaganda bill. I have been unsuccessfully searching for an article I read on this. I need a name of the bill and a lead on the budget spent here. I know that loads of the Iraq or Afghanistan footage was professionally filmed. Thanks Dave. I owe you big on paytreon. You are hands down the highlight of my day. 👍👏👏

Yeah .. Nice to see X22 here at Steemit.