Might as well keep it going. I realized that wearethene.ws (8kun notables website) has the scraper stuck or someone (C_A) has been messing with it due to the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell revelations. So I decided to go onto https://8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html to keep up with all of the happenings currently ongoing.
I stumbled onto something extremely interesting last night that coincides somewhat to Hunter's laptop. These ideas I've heard about detail deep underground military bases (DUMBS) which have been talked about from whistleblowers such as Cathy O'Brien in her book Transformation of America and even Ted Gunderson, former FBI director. Specifically, they speak of child sex trafficking and prostitution being classified as NATIONAL SECURITY.
Stay with me now. If you can open your mind to the idea that our world has been run by satanic pedophiles, it may make a little more sense that they have had a complex network of underground tunnels, transportation, and bases. What better way to traffick in humans, drugs, and guns than to utilize a system of underground networks?
This sentiment was detailed by Austin Steinbart (Q) through his Amorphous Archive and echoed by the likes of Pete Santilli on his YouTube show. Pete said it himself that the C_A has been using DUMBS to traffick guns and drugs. What better way to succeed in your black market operations than to conduct it underground right under the public's feet. Then label anyone who talks about it a "conspiracy theorist."
My larger perception of what is at play here is a nefarious and sick ideology that includes tenets of Luciferianism and Satanism, of abusing children at a very early age, in order to traumatize them to such a degree that one may control them through a handler for the rest of their life. This is precisely MK Ultra programming and was talked about by the likes of Max Spiers on YouTube.
Max was my first foray into hearing about this system, with him detailing the ins and outs of elite pedophile rings and MK Ultra traumatization techniques. Essentially he said that if you abuse and rape a child between the ages of 1-3, you can control them for the rest of their lives. Many of these children become Assets in the entertainment industry, the media, and big tech conglomerates. It is a vital component to the overall deep state or shadow government.
Lo and behold I stumble onto an 8kun notable last night which had posts from April 10, 2020. Anyone who has been paying attention to the Q movement will recognize the date of 4-10-20. I am wondering now if this was Austin or another special operator posting on the boards to detail the idea of Hell, that it is in fact real, and has been hidden through a vast network of programming for us surface dwellers. Check out the following posts that I found.
Combine that with these articles detailing the military conducting training exercises for underground warfare-
With all of that, Austin had gone onto a radio show of someone's (I can't remember the person's name) who was mentioning rescuing the children from underground tunnels. Austin was basically hinting at ongoing operations that were happening but pictures and videos could not be relased because it would disturb so many people. Q has said before that the full scope of the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
In case that doesn't load you can find it here: https://qanon.pub/?q=hospital
In conclusion, I think that we have been living under one, big, MASSIVE Psy Op, the likes of which is hard to fathom. Look no further than the mainstream media burying its head in the sand on the Hunter Biden Laptop story. Real question is how many know the full scope and have been covering it up for years? The end won't be for everyone, have faith in humanity.
@pennywisedawise @tarynq @kiimayer @qconsciousness @spirit-Admetos @wokemobile @seeleesea11 @invsecactof1951 @brianburns @ibor @quantum17 @binbash @qxpat @lasmokanostra @whatonearthq17 @alicekennedy @krishunter @dalec369 @memeteam17 @ibor @pauljosiesavill @thadrake @newparadigmtt @iq187 @txgodmotheriii @hivebuzz @steampunkmedia @steempress @steampeak @delso @lynds @steemityourway @truthstreammedia @steem-plus @fulltimegeek @frankbacon @franksComs @greatgaribaldi @envisible @q42 @littich @qxpat @exodesigns @digitalsoldier17 @ahough1706 @awakeninggreatly @fishface @forthesamuel @helloall2317 @indigosoul58 @isaacawesomov @jameswwg1wga @kristinaavalon @metatronscube @piriglion101 @roejanfootball @thadrake @tmcs.live
Thank you for posting.
2016 is replaying all over. Get to the poles, secure the victory...
and let's hope there is an adult SOMEWHERE who will do something with Hunter's laptop other than ignore it.