Censorship by the Devil. Alex Jones banned from the Internet.

in #political6 years ago (edited)

I wanted to see what you guys think about the recent censorship of Alex Jones and Infowars by Google, YouTube, Apple, Spotify and Facebook. Listen ya’ll, I’ll admit it, I am a fan of Alex Jones. I don’t agree with everything he says but I do agree with A LOT of his thoughts. I think Alex is not evil, he wants the truth to be exposed and for humanity to be free from globalism but his packaging of the message is often wild and boisterous.
They banned him from the internet behind the guise of “hate speech” but, Alex has been reporting things the exact same way for over a decade. Why is joint effort by evil global empires to ban him right now? This is very dangerous for America because our constitution and the rights our forefathers died for are being taken away from us everyday.
There really is an “information war” going on in this world which it exactly why nobody should be censored or banned. We need all the information from all sides and points of view to formulate what we think is the actual truth. The first amendment is very important to American values and it’s been that way for many years. You don’t have to like Larry Flint (who took a bullet for you to protect freedom of speech) or Howard Stern as a person but, you must respect the good fight they fought which benefited all of us in America to say what we feel.
Google, Facebook and YouTube are evil empires who are sponsored by the deep state. They are really here to spy on us for the global elite. This is a fact and they have proven it to us so many times yet most of us accept it. When will you put your foot down and tell these companies what they are doing is not ok? How will you feel when someday it happens to you? Alex took a lot of bullets for all of us. Yea he’s crazy at times and some might say he’s the one who is a deep state operative. I say let everyone say what they have to say and let me decide for myself. Google and Facebook do not belong in the political space of deciding who has a voice and who doesn’t.
Hey Youtube....how in the world does Louis Farrakhan still have a channel.....you two faced, fake, un American punks!!!


I would not stand with Alex Jones for all of his ideas, but i would happily stand behind anybody defending the first amendment, which has been taken away from this voice of citizenry.

The 1st amendment protects all speech. Most of all unpopular or hate speech.
No one needs to have the 1sr amendment to protect “PC” speech or nice speech.
This is why it is so important. The people that say we are taking down “hate speech” are trying to undermine our country and everything we stand for.

Good comment. Thank you.

He single handedly gets more daily views than all "their" "news" agencies (propaganda arms) combined. CNN + Fox + ... < AJ shows.

  • They spend billions brainwashing us with their "mainstream" dinosaur news.
  • He beats them with a few million dollars budget.

They can't beat his message,
so they must kill the messenger.

Quite scary to see, of course with these things they never are a "one off", they get progressively worse and incrementally chip away to test the public's resolve to protest.

It's bizarre to see all these tech companies that pride themselves on being progressive and free going against their ethos.

One day you're fighting against the man, the next day you are the man.

The coordinated timing of the ban is what interests me. Is there any chance this was a coincidence?

You said it “let people decide For themselves” we are not mindless zombies and we need all opinions and viewpoints in order to make an “informed” choice. Sadly, that is the issue in itself. They don’t want us informed, they want us complacent and falling in line. Not me or any student I ever teach if I have anything to do with it.

My view on it is that it doesn’t matter whether I agree with him or not. That’s irrelevant for the most part. No one should be banned like this.

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the decentralisation is the only way to go the day are coming when centralised censorship will be worth nothing

Everybody says he is controlled disinfo.... If he is, so is @wearechange @joshsigurdson @pressfortruth all of em....

My personal opinion is solve this matter soon as soon..i think youtube issue warning against Alex jones channel removes receive a third strike within a three month period are banned...

The first amendment protects all lectures. Most popular or hate speech.
There is no need to amend the 100th to protect any "pc" speech or excellent speech.
Why is it so important? Those who say that we are taking "hate speech", they are trying to destroy our country and destroy the things we are waiting for.

My personel reviews on it that i am not fully aknowledged about the matter. I wish problem will be solve. If he guilty anywhere. He should be full banned.

I can understand your point of view.

However, if you were found "guilty anywhere", would you like it if you were banned from a social media platform? Also, who would you trust to fairly decide if you or another found "guilty anywhere" should be banned?

Just some things to think about.

I dont agree with this decession. But i thin they will review their decession.

Always wondered if Alex Jones was for "us" or "then"

I really feel like he’s for us.

Yes agree

The UN who are supposed to speak against this kind of thing are dead silence and they have been for a longtime because censoring free speech has been on for a while now.

Somebody get Alex Jones on Steemit please!

Alex Jones becoming hit everywhere.

What we believe is only a social network is actually another way to keep an eye on everything we do or say, certainly censor us more and our rights of expression are affected more and more

@broncnutz Alex Jones is an idiot that runs his machine on trends and unfounded fears. I don't agree with him one bit. However, censorship without true grounds of doing so is unlawful, especially because they are not technically private companies once they went public. Hate speech and producing "news" without factual evidence are two different things. Ergo, he shouldn't have been banned, no matter how much I disagree with his viewpoint.