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RE: Desperation, Panic Has Set In, The Take Down Has Begun - Episode 1281b

in #political7 years ago

People need to understand that this system is not something that can and honestly even SHOULD be saved. What we ALL should be working toward both as individuals and as a collective. Is working to help save ourselves, our friends, our family. Even our dogs and cats, dare I say. I am a 9/11 U.S. Navy Veteran. I served this country when I thought I heard that, "Call." Only to come back home, start going to college to see an infowars bumper sticker that read... 9/11 was an inside job. Yeah, you DAMN right I got pissed off. I also realized it was time for me to grow up, mature a little bit. Then start using Google, when it was a decent search engine, to figure our WHY anyone who was not INSANE would make such a statement. Ever since then I have been awake!

"Professor" Dave, as I refer to him as. Is a really good source for insight on what's going on in the back and foreground. Not everything he says is 100% accurate or spot on. That's not a knock on him, it's just the objective truth. I am sure Dave would agree. People, we need to use and never lose our own discernment, objectivity, common sense... and our critical thinking skills.

I do not know if this is allow and if it's not I really do not care!!! IF you are tired of people like Alex (King of Fear-Porn) Jones and their Israel loving talking points. I am not against Jews or Israel. DISCLAIMER: I am against Zionist Jews and those who willingly and directly/indirectly favor them and their superiority complex. Please try Michael Rivero and his website He has a weekday 3-hour radio show. That again is WAY better than Alex "Fear-Porn" Jones!

