O Plano de Governo do Lula (Molusco)

in #politica6 years ago

Translating the Lula Plan

The plan begins by saying that Lula is an idea ... Actually it is an ideology that needs to be excised ...

They say that Brazil is at a crossroads but they forget that it was they who put Brazil at such a crossroads.

For each right there is an obligation, no right has been revoked or violated ... only the obligation inherent in the law was required.

The road to democracy that they now want to build ... should already have been built when they were governing and enjoying the confidence of the population, but on the contrary, it was they who vilified the confidence of the people ...

Lula was never persecuted, he was caught in corruption robbing the Brazilian population.

The centrality of the political struggle in Brazil is the resumption of ethical principles, it is the recovery of the valorization of the family, it is the unity of the Brazilians and the repudiation of the division of society into classes.

Only the Brazilian people organized and mobilized can change this sad page opened in 2002 with the election of Lula (Mollusc) and with the left-wing power project.

But we are fighting and organizing the people.

We will win....

Brazil as a priority and GOD above all!