W sobotę, 25 stycznia, w Królestwie odbędzie się kolejne spotkanie Practical Philosophy Clubu. Tym razem dyskutowany temat to "The Self". Spotkanie rozpocznie się o godzinie 16:30, a dyskusja będzie prowadzona w języku angielskim. Wstęp, jak zawsze, wolny.
On Saturday, January 25 the next meeting of the Practical Philosophy Club will again take place at the Kingdom (Biskupia St. 18/1). This time, we the topic is "The Self". The meeting will start at 4:30 p.m., and the discussion will be held in English. Admission, as always, is free
- How much of who we are comes from the culture around us, and how much comes from within?
- How can someone figure out who they really are?
- How do different cultures see the self? For example, Western ideas about individuality versus Buddhist ideas of “no-self.”
- How can social media like Instagram affect our 'self'?
- Is there such a thing as a “true self,” or is it just something people made up?
- Can we ever completely separate ourselves from our roles in society, like being a parent, employee, or friend?
- How do our relationships shape who we think we are?
- Can our self-image ever be fully accurate, or is it always influenced by others’ opinions?
- Is there a point where striving to "find yourself" becomes counterproductive?