Hive problems [EN/PL]

in #polish7 months ago (edited)

EN: Hive is one of the most interesting blockchain projects ever. I have no doubt about that. The problem is that its development depends on new users. But to get new users, there must be creators. And creators don't want to be where there aren't many users. And the circle closes. So we need to attract creators in other ways. How? For examle, by creating venues like @krolestwo, holding events and attracting creative individuals. We have put a lot of energy into this in recent months. REALLY A LOT! Marketing agencies would surely value this at tens of thousands of dollars. We do it for free. It's just a pity that this effort is wasted because Hive doesn't work as it should.

PL: Hive jest jednym z najciekawszych projektów blockchainowych ever. Nie mam co do tego żadnych wątpliwości. Problem w tym, że jego rozwój uzależniony jest od nowych użytkowników. Aby jednak pojawili się nowi użytkownicy, to muszą być twórcy. A twórcy nie chcą być tam, gdzie nie ma wielu użytkowników. I koło się zamyka. Trzeba więc przyciągnąć twórców w inny sposób. W jaki? Można stworzyć miejsca takie jak @krolestwo, organizować wydarzenia i przyciągać kreatywne jednostki. W ostatnich miesiącach włożyliśmy w to bardzo dużo energii. BARDZO DUŻO! Agencje marketingowe wyceniłyby to pewno na dziesiątki tysięcy dolarów. My to robimy za darmo. Szkoda tylko, że ten trud jest marnowany, bo Hive nie działa tak jak trzeba.


EN: In the above photo is yesterday's event. The open studio is the author's concept. There is no other like this in Krakow, so it is very popular. Here is a 360 degree photo. I wanted to post it on @dlux-io, but even with an external link it couldn't be uploaded. But that's the least of the problems....

PL: Na powyższym zdjęciu jest wczorajsze wydarzenie. Otwarta pracownia to autorski pomysł. Nie ma drugiego takiego w Krakowie, więc cieszy się dużą popularnością. Tutaj jest zdjęcie w 360 stopniach.. Chciałem je wrzucić na @dlux-io, ale nawet z zewnętrznym linkiem nie dało się go załadować. Ale to akurat jest najmniejszy problem...

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-9 o 02.41.28.png

EN: The first problem arises at the account creation stage. It is a complicated and completely unintuitive process. Therefore, I usually create accounts for people using @hive.aid creation tokens. We tried using Hive Invite by @pharesim, but many people had problems with the site's performance on mobile devices. However, the question should be asked: is it normal to need an aid to create an account? How can we reach many people when such a basic issue is a real challenge? The worst part is that there are many more problems.

PL: Pierwszy problem pojawia się już na etapie zakładania konta. Jest to proces skomplikowany i kompletnie nieintuicyjny. Dlatego zwykle sam tworzę konta ludziom wykorzystując do tego tokeny kreacyjne @hive.aid. Próbowaliśmy używać Hive Invite, ale wiele osób miało problem z działaniem strony na urządzeniach mobilnych. Należy jednak zadać sobie pytanie: czy to normalne, aby do założenia konta konieczna była asysta? Jak mamy trafić do wielu ludzi, skoro tak podstawowa kwestia jest prawdziwym wyzwaniem? Najgorsze jest to, że problemów jest o wiele więcej.


EN: We suggest people install Hive Keychain. The reasons are two: 1) all applications can be operated from it, 2) it can easily be used for payments and @krolestwo is the only place in Poland that accepts HBD. However, it is really hard to describe my level of annoyance when, after creating an account and making sure there is a Hive Keychain, it refuses to log in by displaying the message: "Error. The account xyz does not exist, please check the username". And I can make sure a hundred times and it doesn't do anything. And something like this has happened to me many times!

PL: Sugerujemy ludziom, aby zainstalowali sobie Hive Keychain. Powody są dwa: 1) można z niej obsługiwać wszystkie aplikacje, 2) łatwo można jej używać do płatności a @krolestwo jest jedynym miejscem w Polsce, które akceptuje HBD. Naprawdę trudno jednak opisać mój poziom irytacji, gdy po założeniu konta i upewnieniu się czy istnieje Hive Keychain odmawia zalogowania wyświetlając komunikat: "Error. The account xyz does not exist, please check the username". I mogę sprawdzać sto razy a nic to nie daje. Coś takiego przydarzyło mi się już któryś raz z kolei!

EN: So the first experience of a new user is disastrous. @keychain doesn't work, so he/she has to install And although he/she manages to log on to Ecency, it's really hard to say that the app works well. Above, one of the very common errors. The app shows new posts for a second, then they disappear and articles from 12 hours ago appear. Is this how normal apps work?

PL: Pierwsze doświadczenie nowego użytkownika jest więc fatalne. @keychain nie działa, musi więc instalować I choć na Ecency udaje mu się zalogować, to naprawdę trudno powiedzieć, że aplikacja ta działa ona dobrze. Powyżej jeden z bardzo częstych błędów. Aplikacja na sekundę pokazuje nowe posty, po czym znikają one, a pojawiają się artykuły sprzed 12 godzin. Czy tak działają normalne aplikacje?

EN: By the way, Ecency does not show this video (it only displays the link). and Peakd show it. Is anyone able to explain why?

PL: Swoją drogą, Ecency nie pokazuje tego filmu (wyświetla tylko link). i Peakd pokazują. Ktoś jest w stanie wytłumaczyć dlaczego?


EN: Both Hive Keychain and Ecency have my vote in DHF. However, I would expect them to work. Especially since they receive hundreds of HBDs every day. Failures happen. Even centralized social media like Facebook has them. The problem is that on Hive they are becoming the norm. In recent months, errors of various types have occurred at EVERY event. And the worst part of it all is that I'm starting to have serious concerns about the sense of decentralization. Because instead of one well-functioning application, we have many different projects with many bugs....

PL: Zarówno Hive Keychain, jak i Ecency mają mój głos w ramach DHF. Oczekiwałbym jednak, że będą działać. Zwłaszcza, że codziennie otrzymują setki HBD. Awarie się zdarzają. Nawet scentralizowane media społecznościowe takie jak Facebook je mają. Problem w tym, że na Hive stają się one normą. W ostatnich miesiącach błędy różnego typu pojawiały się NA KAŻDYM wydarzeniu. A najgorsze w tym wszystkim jest to, że zaczynam mieć poważne obawy co do sensowności decentralizacji. Bo wiele wskazuje, że jednym z jej efektów jest to, że zamiast jednej dobrze działającej aplikacji mamy wiele różnych projektów z wieloma błędami...


However, the question should be asked: is it normal to need an aid to create an account?

Yes. When Hive is approached as social media, then there is a problem, because Hive is still a crypto with social media elements. When approached as crypto, onboarding is not that bad. Could be better? Certainly. I've only invited two people so far, but I made their accounts using cli_wallet, so I have a hard time imagining anyone else's experience could be any worse 😜

Having a Facebook account is like renting a hotel room. In comparison, having Hive account is like owning a house - completely different set of possibilities and responsibilities. It is better when new users are made aware of that difference and guided by a person familiar with the chain, because skipping that steps can easily bite them in the future.

There is an ongoing need for someone to "build a hotel" on Hive for people who might not want the hassle of "owning a house". Splinterlands sort of did that with their trial accounts. The idea of allowing people to log in with their Web2 social media accounts without owning Hive account to interact (through proxy) with the chain shows up periodically for quite some time. Maybe the idea will finally come to fruition as part of recent topic/work on "lite accounts".

Is this how normal apps work?

Yeah. Apps have bugs. I'm not using Keychain and only use Ecency Mobile as last resort, but I did experience that particular bug (although in my case time rewinds 4 days). The good thing is that you can actually reach not only developers, but also people that make decisions on where to allocate development time. Imagine being able to talk to Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk and point them to the bug that annoys you.

Especially since they receive hundreds of HBDs every day.

It is not really all that much. 600 HBD daily is just 18k a month. Even on Polish market you have to assume 5k + taxes for a single full time dev. Add office, equipment, accounting etc. Can you make it cheaper? Sure, but there are two ways. You get juniors - they require supervision and if they are good enough to actually do the work, you'll want to keep them for longer, which leads to second way - build larger team that will handle multiple projects. But for decent size team you'd have to round the daily pay up and make it hourly pay instead.

I'm starting to have serious concerns about the sense of decentralization

No way. One front-end does not show the post properly? There are 5-6 other to choose from. Default server died? Switch to another.

Yes. Application hopping can be frustrating when what you want to do does not work. Some time ago I was given a link on chat to the article by my coworker. I wanted to write a reply, so I connected my phone to the PC, run DeX there and then Ecency Mobile. I did that so I could paste the link from the chat to Ecency. While Ecency can copy a link to the article you are watching, there is nowhere to paste the link from outside. Doh... I'm not following that author, so no easy shortcut to his profile to get to article. So I tried to use search. Searching for author, for title nor for first sentence gave any useful results. Seriously, search in Ecency Mobile is completely useless. But I remembered, that I've wrote a reply to some earlier article of the same author. So I went to my profile, to comments and scrolled down... only first 10 comments loaded, the rest was hidden under "eternal loading circle". Eh... But I remembered I actually might have my posting private key imported in cli_wallet. If I pulled it out of there, I could use it to write reply on I wasn't sure so I listed all keys and there were many (most to some test accounts). cli_wallet doesn't show key-to-account association, so I turned to for answer which key is the correct one. Buuut... the server died long ago and it does not seem like it would come back alive any time soon. So I tried fresh block explorer - Argh!! it didn't have authorities listed. I had to dig out some other block explorer from bookmarks.
But you know what? In the end I succeeded, new block explorer now shows the authorities and I also started to use HiveAuth for signing. If it was Facebook with any blocking issue, I'd be stuck until enough people complained about the same problem.

I started my adventure with crypto when it was a norm to run the nodes locally. hived can be run locally no problem, but it is not enough. To serve front-ends you need a lot of space for databases. Hopefully the idea of pruning, that was recently implemented for block log, will be applied to HAF and Hivemind, so it is possible to run such servers locally with couple days worth of recent data 🤞

I understand your point of view, but I would still wish for less bugs and better UX ;)

Thank you for your feedback and sharing concerns. We will check bug you experienced and fix asap.

  • Onboarding works without issues on Ecency, have you tried it? After signup, in email you even get 1-Click login option, with just click you are logged into website or app, that's best onboarding/login experience we have come up with, it is working great according to many new people.
  • Rendering youtube shorts, we can add that right away, added into todo list. Fixed!
  • Reporting bugs, you can always reach us at or our discord channel so we can act as quickly as we can.

Thank you for your feedback and sharing concerns. We will check bug you experienced and fix asap.


I have seen no reports of anyone having problems onboarding using Ecency. If you do have any problems I would suggest reporting in Ecency Discord #issues channel so that they are brought to the attention of developers who can respond.

I included a 3speak video in a post this week using Ecency app and it displays as expected.
I loaded the video to 3speak using my Ecency video gallery in the app and was able to choose the thumbnail that I wanted displayed.
I'm happy to help and can find answers to any questions that you might have.

I have seen no reports of anyone having problems onboarding using Ecency.

My entry is not just about Ecency, but about Hive in general.... A person hears about Hive, wants to set up an account and has many options to choose from. It's a lottery. I know people who wanted to create account with Leo and they were completely lost.

I included a 3speak video in a post this week using Ecency app and it displays as expected.

Today I tried it and there is indeed an improvement. The video loaded in a fairly short time and you can add a thumbnail automatically. A step forward!

Please reach out anytime you have issues. Ecency devs are always happy to hear reports of issues. It's the only way they have to know that things aren't working as expected!

There are some errors here and there but the benefits outweights those errors in those apps. I have used Keychain and Ecency a lot, especially on the mobile and didn't experience a lot of problems.

Comparing them to big centralised apps like facebook is not fair at all. They don't rely on public nodes and slow blockchain network in general.

Również maiłem problemy z stworzeniem konta zalogowaniem się, ale jakoś przypadkiem dało radę... czas na poznawanie dość ciekawie zapowiadającej się platformy

The worst thing is that they take money everyday and can't fix simple stuff on their apps, it's disgrace IMO

And new users are fed up with blockchain projects after such an experience :(

Well ! It's worth to collect that information and do some rant at HF

I ll be there if you want to rant.
Making a bug report when you find one would be more constructive though

As I commented, we only display information coming from the blockchain at that level. It means the default RPC wasn't able to find this account, which was probably a temporary RPC issue.
We do our best to have bug-free Apps and iterate quickly on bug reports, but yeah, problems can still happen.

These onboarding issues are very annoying and shouldn't happen. Have you tried reaching out to the Hive Keychain team in Discord? They're normally very responsive

I didn't know of some of these issues. Thanks for listing them. Hopefully, they don't fall on deaf ears.

Kilka kont zakładałem z użyciem tej apki i nigdy nie było problemu. Proces jest prosty, a aplikacja przyjazna telefonom.A dlaczego nie używacie ?

Problem nie leży w samym założeniu konta jeśli wie się co i jak, tylko w tym, że jak ktoś słyszy "Hive" i potem chce założyć konto to jest nieźle zdezorientowany.

Hiveonboard nie używam, bo domyślnie 5% z nagród bierze apka. To już wolę sam ludziom założyć.

PS. @sarmaticus, właśnie sobie przypomniałem, że te 5% nie było największym problemem tylko ZAWSZE gdy sprawdzałem tę stronę to pojawiał mi się komunikat:

Service Unvailable
We are currently out of account creation tickets. Check back later or use for other account creation options.

Nawet kiedyś już o tym pisałem gdzieś. Przed chwilą sprawdziłem i jest dokładnie tak samo.

O to ciekawe bo nawet dzisiaj założyłem konto. A jeśli chodzi o te 5% to bardzo łatwo je anulować. Ciekawe czy nie jest to problem mobilnej wersji, zakładać zakładałem zawsze na kompie.

O to ciekawe bo nawet dzisiaj założyłem konto.

No to widać wyczerpałeś tokeny :D

A jeśli chodzi o te 5% to bardzo łatwo je anulować.

To co dla nas jest łatwe dla osoby lądującej na Hive jest czarną magią.

To co dla nas jest łatwe dla osoby lądującej na Hive jest czarną magią.

Kurde, racja.

Hi! We only display this if the blockchain itself cannot retrieve the account and gives back an error. Either there was a typo in the username, but I guess not, or the default RPC experienced an issue at that moment and couldn't retrieve the account.

@stoodkev, look here:

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-12 o 15.16.31.png

16:39 I created account. It is saved in blockchain.

16:45 I couldn't log in to Hive Keychain.


As you can see there is not a typo in the username.

And it was possible to log in on Ecency.

However, this has happened to us several times and is very annoying.

Yeah, I said I guessed a typo was not the reason in this case =)
It is most likely an RPC issue because as I mentioned, this error comes directly from the RPC not finding the account. I cannot reproduce the issue on my side, but ill still try to think of a way to improve the experience at this level.
Thanks for the report!

Good news, I found the issue, it was happening when a whitespace was copy pasted along with the username, causing the blockchain not to recognize it. I fixed it in 2.2.7

Hooray! :)

The issue with friends feed refresh? Devs are wondering if it's something all the time, or something else lead to it. It needs to be fixed. Could you share a link where it happens?

It is very very often. Even now I have this problem. And not only I have this problem, because @virtus4 had this problem too.

[BTW, there is another bug and I was not able to publish this comment on Ecency (web version), and I had to use another interface]

Could you share a link to a post where it happens?

I do not understand what link...

Maybe I'm the one not understanding! Could you explain the actions you are taking regarding the friends feed refresh so that devs can try to recreate it?

I just scroll down. A new post appears for a second. And it disappears and instead there is an old one at the very top.

Do the new posts appear below older posts, or new ones just disappear

Indeed the onboarding process is a bit tricky on Hive.

I generally refer people through Ecency, usually people go the mobile route. And mostly people have managed to get their accounts started that way. If not, one can always go the route that costs you 3 Hive to create.

But in the end, the thing that works best on Hive to get new users started is a coaching process. Hive DOES have a higher learning curve than Facebook. But we all know that it is 100x more rewarding to the average user. It is NOT yet in the same position for a business who can spend money to reach thousands of users with the quick transaction.

The goal should be for us to onboard more people, especially relevant if we can manage to onboard those near us. My local suburb has 12 users within 6 households. Should this build up, it should reach a point of critical mass.

My other angle is to onboard an entire interest-group to Hive!

My third angle is the Busy Bees, which is a group on Hive that is just a diverse collection of active bloggers!