Crypto Squid Game

in #polish3 months ago (edited)

Mam déjà vu. W grudniu 2017 roku, gdy krypto rosło, to nagle jeden z polskich youtuberów opublikował filmik pt. "STRACIŁEM WSZYSTKIE PIENIĄDZE?!". Fabuła była typowa: gość kupuje coina, bańka pęka i jest płacz. Potem okazało się, że za wszystkim stał NBP, który zapłacił za produkcję tego materiału ponad 90K PLN.

Tymczasem mamy koniec grudnia 2024. Siedzę u teściów. Oglądam z Agą drugi sezon Squid Game. Fabuła nawet ciekawa (pierwszego sezonu nie widziałem, znam tylko zarys), ale dialogi strasznie drętwe. No i nagle w trzecim odcinku wyskakuje gość z kapelusza i zaczyna mówić o krypto. No i szybko okazuje się, że przekaz jest jasny crypto = scam. Temat potem wraca jeszcze kilka razy. Poniżej zapisałem 3 sceny, raczej nie spoilerują niczego ważnego.


[gracze w dresach stoją w hali]

Crypto influenser: Why did you take my phone and wallet? Give them back, please.
Zamaskowany gość: We're keeping your belongings safe. We'll return them once the games are over.
Crypto influenser: At least give me my phone. I need to check the crypto market. If I lose money, will you compensate me?
Zamaskowany gość: We will return it to you once the games are over.
Crypto influenser: I need to monitor the real-time prices! Do you know how much I've invested?
Zamaskowany gość [na wielkim ekranie pojawia się film z crypto influenserem]: Player 333, Lee Myung-gi. Age 30, used to run a YouTube channel called MG Coin. After convincing subsribers to invest in a new crypto coin called Dalmatian, causing losses of approximately 15.2 billion won, you shut down and diappeared. You're wanted for fraud and for violating telecom and financial investment laws. Current debt levels, 1.8 billion won.


[do crypto influensera podchodzi raper i Nam-gyu]

Raper: The Amazing Myung-gi from MG Coin? Is that you?
Crypto influenser: Who are you?
Raper: You may not know me, but I know you. MG Coin. I was subscribed to your channel. And I lost a shitload of money, asshole.
Nam-gyu: So did I.
Crypto influenser: You've got the wrong person.
Raper: I watched your content all day, every day. Now I even see you in my dreams, motherfucker.
Raper (do Nam-gyu): Was your name Nam-su?
Nam-gyu: It's Nam-gyu. From Club Pentagon.
Raper: Right. Thanks to you, I bounded quickly with Nam-gyu here. Because we shared the same pain.
Nam-gyu: I thought the sons of bitches who made that coin fled to the Philippines with the money. So why are you here? Did they cut you loose?
Crypto influenser: What do you want from me?
Raper: What do you think? Give me my money.
Crypto influenser: Did I force you to buy that coin?
Raper: You told us to bet it all, you fucker. You swore it'd shoot up. You said we'd be fucking idiots if we didn't buy it.
Crypto influenser: "You are responsible for the final decision on your investment." Didn't you hear me say that at the end? You said you watched every day.


[crypto influenser je posiłek na pryczy]

Nam-gyu: Enjoing your food? I couldn't eat. After seeing everyone get shot dead, you still have a damn appetite?
Crypto influenser: That crypto ruined my life too. That's why I'm here, to make money.
Raper: That's right. You'd better make a lot of money. Because of that damn doin, I lost over 500 million on, the money I earned from busting my ass rapping.
Crypto influenser: I lost 300 million.
Raper: You'd better win the games and make a load of money to pay us back.


O nie Dawid bo ty nie zrozumiałeś, że ten ziomek MG to tak naprawdę jest VIP. I trochę to jakby inaczej się potoczy 😅