Uncle Sam clenches his fist: how the US prepares a war against Syria to overthrow Assad

in #policy7 years ago

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The US continues to build up a military grouping in the eastern Mediterranean in the immediate vicinity of the coast of Syria, creating a powerful fist with which they expect not only to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, but, in fact, control the entire Middle East. Unfortunately, the significant military superiority of the United States in this region is a fact that has to be reckoned with, says Dmitry Yegorchenkov, a political expert and expert on problems of the Middle East.

At the same time, many experts point out that all US actions from the position of force in Syria is an undisguised aggression and unfounded massive military intervention. From a legal point of view, active US military intervention in Syria in general is illegal, since Washington does not have a UN mandate to conduct a military operation either against Bashar Assad or against the grouping of the "Islamic State" (banned in the Russian Federation). ).

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Experts quite reasonably believe that the actions of the US and the coalition led by them against the IG is, rather, a screen. And their real goal is the overthrow of Assad and the subsequent dismemberment of Syria into zones of influence.

Uncle Sam clenches his fist

Recall last week received information that the US surface and underwater ships, as well as deck aircraft of the US Navy actually took positions, from which you can at any time strike at the forces of the Syrian President Bashar Assad. Before that, provocative statements were sounded from Washington that official Damascus allegedly "again" is preparing to use chemical weapons, and that such actions will not remain without retribution.

In Damascus and Moscow, they warned that the US, with the help of militant groups controlled by them, is preparing a provocation using chemical weapons to blame Assad and get a formal reason to attack.

After that, Washington played a little back, saying that Assad, as they say, was reasonable, but that does not mean that the US group became less powerful and, unfortunately, considerably superior to the forces that Russia presented Syria as an allied aid. At the same time, say that Syrian government forces exhausted by the five-year war, even theoretically can at least somehow hold out against the American military machine, do not.

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At the present time, in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Syria, the second aircraft carrier strike group of the US Navy has been deployed as part of the aircraft carrier George HW Bush (right now, off the coast of Israel), which carries the eighth wing of the deck aviation, the Philippine Sea and Hue missile cruisers City, as well as two destroyers. It can not be ruled out that in this area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea, a couple of US multi-purpose nuclear submarines, also produced for a strike, hid somewhere.

Also, to attack the forces of Assad and its allies, the US can use tactical aviation aircraft based on the airfields of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. And with the worst-case scenario, even American strategic aviation, based on airfields in the UK and the US, can be involved in the Syrian campaign. In addition, militant Donald Trump is ready at any time to order to strengthen an already large group in Syria.

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Divide and rule

According to Dmitry Egorchenkov, Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (PFUR), recent events show that the United States still has not abandoned the idea of ​​destabilizing the entire Middle East through the territory of Syria.

"For this purpose, the US not only increases its own forces there, but also continues to work closely with the opposition armed groups in Syria. There continues to be pumped with weapons of various forces and under various pretexts. In addition, the US continues to support its regional allies, who do not hide the blatant plans to overthrow the legitimate Syrian government led by Bashar Assad and establish control over certain territories of this country. In fact, we are talking about the political defragmentation of Syria and its division into various enclaves controlled by different forces. "

According to the expert, the fact that American politicians are embarrassed to sound out such plans aloud does not mean that Washington does not set such a goal. At the height of Moscow's position that Syria should be a single and independent state led by a legally elected leadership, the United States is trying to destabilize Syria indirectly and through direct military intervention.

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"Today we are forced to admit that the United States, although somewhat lowered the degree of rhetoric, and from Washington does not sound so frankly and vividly the thesis about the need to overthrow the official Syrian regime, the thesis of the need for immediate withdrawal of Assad, but, nevertheless, the Americans clearly Conduct business to it, - Dmitry Egorchenkov has noted. "At least, it turns out that the US is carefully sticking Assad in the wheel in those areas where the Syrian government forces have real success. This applies, among other things, to the north of Syria, where in fact it is the actions of the US military that succeed in restraining the rapid advance of the Syrian government forces towards Rakka. "

At the same time, the expert noted, a frontal military confrontation between Russia and the United States in the Syrian theater of military operations is unlikely, since Washington can not fail to understand that a post-conflict settlement in Syria without the participation of Moscow is impossible.

  • The organization is banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Author: Oleg Beketov


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Excellent post ,I really liked it,thank you !

Wonderful post! I like it! Have a nice day!