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RE: Sorry for The Whole SWAT Raid

in #police9 years ago

A good friend of the family actually lost all three of her daughters - all 3 hooked on heroin. 2 died from overdoses and 1 from suicide after getting high. She is now tasked with raising 2 of her grandchildren because one father is in jail and the other is AWOL. Death is easy. Surviving the loss of a loved one is not. My friend continues to blame herself...and she will not listen when people say "it's not your fault." But as a parent, we take 'ownership' of our kids. I would go as far as saying our kids are our legacy. They pass the stories and memories forward to the next generation. Our path to immortality is through that legacy. Am I getting way out there for you?
We can agree that there are bad cops everywhere, but I would say the majority are serving their community while the very few take advantage of the system and their authority.
But I believe the system is broken. I have a distinct feeling of us vs. them and have no faith in our government leadership, especially when they don't live by the same rules in which they govern the people by. I'd even say that our police officers, many whose goal is to serve their community and make it a better place, are bound by the governing faction.
Let me give you an example: gardenofeden often goes into the community to serve food to the homeless and needy. The cops show up because gardenofeden is doing something illegal. The cops didn't make that ordinance. In fact, many of the cops think it's a great community service and throwing out perfectly good food instead of feeding hungry people is a complete waste. But if they don't write a citation or put a stop to the civil disobedience, they're not doing their job. Whose fault it is? I'm telling you, there are a few bad seeds in the Blue ranks, but the focus should be on who pays them when you're looking at the bad apples.