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RE: Sorry for The Whole SWAT Raid

in #police9 years ago

(I can't reply to that comment you just posted, like there is no reply button, so I'm just replying to this one, I hope that's ok haha)

So, I think we are getting a little out there, but this conversation was headed there eventually. Let me ask, when those 3 girls were lost to heroin, was it legal or illegal? Answer, especially if in this country: illegal. So the fact that the government had a full out war against it didn't stop them from getting addicted. Something no one seems to want to talk about is the fact that around the world, when addictive drugs are decriminalized, the addiction rate is driven into the ground. Why is that? And I truly hope she realizes one day that she is not responsible for the actions of any other individual. Raising children is hard. At a certain point, they will make decisions on their own, no matter what they are told.

As for the police, we definitely disagree on the majority or minority being, at a minimum, "not fit to serve" if you will. But we definitely agree that the root of the problem does not lie with them. It absolutely lies in the system. The police are for the most part following orders when they do stuff I don't particularly like. They have warrants signed by bad judges enforcing laws passed by bad legislatures. But I guess my point is that if there were more good cops, they could in a way "nullify" the bad laws on the books by simply not enforcing them. But that is by no means a way to permanently change for the good. I think people need to wake up and vote in better politicians at local levels for real change.

I just want to say thanks real quick. I love any chance I get to have a lively debate with someone who is passionate about what they are talking about and who isn't insulting or degrading so thank you, my friend.