There are no good cops.
Explaining why all cops, when they are acting as cops, really are bastards - "illegitimate children" of the state, unsavory and violent towards their fellow men.
- Drug War
- Civil Asset Forfeiture
- Natural Law
- Taxation
- Aiyana Jones
- Kelly Thomas
- Border Patrol Agents Encourage Teen to Drink Meth
- "Special" Morality/Moral "Waiver" Due to Badge/Title
I hope you will enjoy the video. (Please pardon the unflattering angle.)
Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)
I am amazed at how many otherwise sensible people won't admit that cops are the bad guys, and confuse themselves over why I don't like cops. <-- A video explanation#CopsAreScum & #CopsAreLosers
Excellent, excellent, excellent video!!!
You got my vote and a resteem :)
Cheers. Thanks :)
YouTube is suggesting I watch these videos after I watch yours. Not sure if this says something about your video or something about me.
very well said!
I'm a new follower because of this post!
Cheers, @mikebluehair23.
@kafkanarchy84 a very nice video well all cops are bastard i think this sentence now become a universal truth.
The words "all" and "never" are almost always incorrectly applied in logic.
As they are here.
That's a claim. Do you wish to substantiate it with an argument?
Hi @kafkanarchy84 I've published an article about you, check it out, if you can, thanks.
26 Best Steemit Bloggers Of The Day To Follow 31st July 2017
and he DownVote all of my post... his name's MonkyyHey can you help me quickly ! A man give my real identity
Sorry, I cannot understand the post.
Monkyy give my real identity pls updown the post
Message me in chat and explain, please.
I agree with the idea of when you're following orders, you can not claim innocence or absolution from the wrongs of the institution giving the orders. Also we constantly see the police committing murder, assault, illegal search and seizure, human rights violations, accessory to all the aforementioned crimes and rico law violations by participating in a criminal enterprise through their"blue shield of silence" policy. However, if we say and repeat that ALL police are bad no matter what they do individually, we are actually punishing any good behavior by saying it will not be counted or acknowledged. If the few police who stick their neck out to report and get rid of corruption in their offices are not only met with torment from other police for crossing the blue line but are also met with the same from the public because nothing they do can ever be good, this will only make the police worse. It will contribute to making the police force an environment that is only desirable to the most corrupt people who couldn't care less about how they are perceived anyway. When the public attitude toward police is abject hatred regardless of their actions, this discourages people who may want to join to help clean up the police force because they don't want to become hated by their friends, family and society in general.
I hear what you are saying, but think maybe you missed what I was attempting to convey. I was not casting personal judgement on each individual at all times, but pointing out that the occupation itself is morally illegitimate. A person cannot not be acting in a bad capacity while being a cop by virtue of the job description itself: follow all orders from politicians regardless of their morality or lack thereof. Police are also paid with money stolen from "taxpayers." The occupation itself is foundationally illegitimate.
I feel you on this, but also, when your in trouble and you need help, cops can come in handy at times. They are a tool society uses, a dangerous tool.
Right, but the very occupation itself is morally illegitimate, by definition, as it relies on stolen funds to exist.
I am not against police, per se, but non-consensual police services forced on individuals sans contracts/mutual agreements.
These guys rule:
The problem with quoting in absolutes is you don't leave any margin for error in your assumptions.
This tells me that you're emotionally invested in your topic, instead of approaching it rationally and objectively.
Its unfortunate, because this kind of binary extremism fosters all kinds of reactionary and ill-informed actions.
That's incorrect. I have argued very clearly that:
Your statement about the necessity of arbitrarily leaving a margin of error in one's "assumptions" is rather meaningless here as I have not made assumptions but stated facts.
I don't need to leave any "margin for error" when I tell you that a molecule of water is two hydrogen atoms and and oxygen atom. This is established.
Again, you seem emotionally invested. Your argument is biased and doesn't have the balance I would expect from an objective observer.
Just by saying you don't "need any margin for error" tells me that you are used to dealing with perceived absolutes, and don't integrate contrarian views into your theories.
Its fine, believe what you wish. I'm just pointing out what looks like a one-sided presentation.
Nothing you have said so far has been an argument, but unsubstantiated assertion and opinion.
You could make an argument at any time.
I see we've reached the limit of useful interchange.
Have a good one.
Lol. Later bro.
Libertarians and anarcho-capitalists believe that taxation is theft, and therefore what taxes pay for are inherently illegitimate. Thus, to us, yes, there is no ambiguity here - especially when the other aspects of the concept of police forces, like the fact that we grant a certain class of people to inherently have the right to be violent against others, are taken into account.
A few days ago, in Rome, a very old lady was caught by a foodstore owner stealing groceries (her miserable retirement fund forced her to that). The two young cops who arrived at the store, paid for the groceries with their own money and accompanied the old lady home. I wonder if any of you who insult those who risk their lives every day for your safety would have done the same thing or not. Probably not.
I've found an important distinction in that while all cops are bad, not all cops are bad people. For as many evil, thuggish officers there are, I have known people who joined because they truly wanted to help people, they just had no idea of what they're actually doing. This can be helpful in debating the issue with people.