Busted... Oh yeah man.
so apparently the Portland individuals decided to riot because a man who shot at police officers in Vancouver Washington ended up getting shot by law enforcement and didn't make it.
Yep that's right police officers were called on an individual who had a gun and then apparently officers got shot at and then of course returned fire.
So apparently there was a riot in downtown Vancouver where they decided to light a dumpster on fire and Vancouver law enforcement really wasn't having all that so they started arresting individuals which 60% were not even from the area and one apparently is a homeless man with no known residence.
Unlike Portland Oregon the Vancouver Washington riots were met with criminal charges and the district attorney is going to follow up there will be an investigation launched into who is responsible for the vandalism and charges will be pursued.
part of the radius in for the police presence would be to monitor which individuals were there and document these crimes.
And let's just say because of the renovation of downtown Vancouver there is quite the increase on video surveillance. and from all accounts it does sound like the local business owners are very happy to help the police. Who have been in contact with all of the vandalized properties and offer to look into any further vandalism that was in the area regarding this.
I highly doubt that there's going to be any more protesting here in the Vancouver Washington area.
News Release from Vancouver Police Dept.
Posted on: October 31st, 2020 3:39 PM
Vancouver, Wash. –On October 30, 2020, at approximately 10:00 p.m., a group, which grew to approximately 300 people within the span of about 15 minutes, began congregating in Esther Short Park to express their concerns about the recent death of Kevin Peterson following an officer-involved shooting that occurred with deputies from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. Vancouver Police were in the area of the park to ensure individuals could exercise their First Amendment rights and create a safe environment for expression of these rights. At approximately 10:15 p.m., the group began marching in downtown Vancouver taking over the street and blocking traffic.
As the group of demonstrators continued to grow beyond the initial attendees, their peaceful conduct switched to destructive behavior to include destruction of property and vandalism. At approximately 11:00 p.m., police received information regarding a dumpster fire in the downtown area. Another dumpster fire was reported at approximately 11:50 p.m.
At 12:15 a.m., the group became more aggressive when it congregated near the Clark County Jail and began throwing rocks at law enforcement personnel. A disbursement order was given to the crowd. The crowd did disburse but re-congregated shortly thereafter near Esther Short Park.
At 12:25 a.m., there were reports of shots being fired in the air by one of the protestors; however, no injuries were reported as a result of that.
At 12:54 a.m., additional orders to disburse were given by police multiple times to the group in the area of Esther Short Park. As the group began to spread out, police were able to engage with the crowd and move people out of the area. Those that refused to obey the disbursal orders were arrested for Failure To Disburse (RCW 9A.84.020):
Daniel C. Ring, Age 28, Vancouver, WA
Laura L. Vetsch, Age 28, Eugene, OR
Ruby D. Martin, Age 31, Eugene, OR
Fahiym B. Acuay, Age 39, Portland, OR
Michael B. Rivera, Age 39, Camas, WA
Nick I. Caleb, Age 37, Unknown city of residence
No chemical munitions were used by police during this incident.
As a result of the unlawful behavior of the demonstrators, multiple businesses in the downtown area incurred property damage to include broken windows and graffiti. Anyone who was not contacted by police last night and need to report property damage to their residence or business should call 3-1-1.
The investigations into individuals responsible for criminal acts related to this protest are continuing.
The Vancouver Police Department acknowledges the event that led to the community expressing itself through demonstration activity and respects the rights of individuals to peacefully assemble. “Violence and destruction does not benefit anyone. The Vancouver Police Department is committed to working with the community toward improving trust and policing practices but does not condone criminal behavior. This commitment has been demonstrated through the on-going meetings with the City’s Community Task Force on Policing, which is devoted to positive outcomes for the benefit of everyone.” Said Vancouver Police Chief James McElvain.
“The death of Kevin Peterson is a tragic loss to his family and community. These events are traumatic for all involved; Mr. Peterson’s family, the officers and their families and friends.” Said Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle. “I and the City Council send our utmost compassion and care to all who have been touched by these events.”
“And in the shadow of this loss, we must still care for our entire community”, the Mayor said. “Destructive behavior is contrary to the goals of the City, the Vancouver Police Department and our community, and will only lead to deeper scarring in our community.“
“We in Vancouver recognize and honor the grief and frustration our community may feel in the face of a deadly use of force.” Said City Manager Eric Holmes. “We understand that the peaceful, non-violent expression of this grief can be healthy for a community to heal from a loss. And while this incident did not happen at the hands of an officer of the Vancovuer Police Department, destruction in our City in the name of grief works against the constructive goals Vancouver has for its police department and its service to our community.”
I suck at coding.
end quote... Lol.... Oops... Well I'm playing around and trying.
But dang. I'll post this and let it stand. The people don't want violence. It's not spreading to the small.portland cities.
Thanks all...
Our cashapp if donations want to come.
Blazing and getting snacks.
All that destruction will bring nothing good for the country. I hope you stay safe after the results of the election.
Extra restitution and fines! Where are the charges? So much extra space now we don't lock up potheads.
Vancouver is having a counter protest...
the stuff you dont get on tv ...
Oh yeah last night it was bad. Arrests and tonight the community is going to be out in force.
hard to imagine here, (american) "patriot grows weed for fun and living" lol ... rightwings dont do that ... but so is Edward Snowden and that's also hard to imagine here
Funny thing is they smoke weed too!
life can be funny sometimes but lately i think there must be some kind of brainbug going round depriving all the world of commons sense (to MY gov't btw : i have no affiliation , check my mailbox, the only thing there is corona-snot from stalkers) ...
life seems to be an option overthere if you can manage to live on the fringe :) 😜
Paid agitators... The media is in on it. So is everyone else...
maybe not even paid, the pandemic is a dream come true for certain organisations anyway. You can just walk around, dont have to blow yourself up or waltz into a church knifing ... BUT ... i shall hold my silence, lol, enjoy the bud. Your stuff looks seriously top shelf always. I can think of about 2000 people here in town who would set up shipping lines right away in shortage drought like this ... if only it were legal here :p
take care
(steer clear of zombies , they will be multiplying for a while to come)
Love your opinion and it's too bad we don't have a federal interstate shipping bill for cannabis as well as Federal deregulation and controlled substance rescheduling....
if I'm prepared for zombies then everything else is easy. And me and the puppy definitely are prepared.
You know 2000 people with a market that has demand for for a product?
I'd be surprised if you know 20, but in all honesty I get what you're saying I just watched about 50% of BC Canada's growers go belly up, I don't think people account for the high cost of maintaining the property for large grows like @ganjafarmer grows at. In Canada we have to grow indoor all winter too which requires heating as confusing as that is.
Outdoor is very cheap for you to yield because you don't need to have air conditioning heating as well as artificial light to provide...
The sun does all of the work the wind does all of the work there you just have to water and feed.
Let alone build trellis nets covers or just put them in a greenhouse which a lot of people really do.
too bad I was not more willing to break the law I could be phenomenally rich.
I've got a friend who has a massive pile of cannabis ready to start liquidating if he can find buyers that are willing to pay a decent price.
Lol BLM had a protest in Red Deer Alberta my town, it was hilarious, they had golf clubs and a bunch of weird weapons, but didn't try anything.
I think the reason they didn't try anything is because Red Deer is a city with a very bad crime rate, and it's very small only 100,000 people.
There was a force of about 350 police on the streets on foot, major blockades at all intersections within a 5km radius of downtown, and Helicopter support that includes a sniper if needed.
When the protest showed up the media was even commenting on how martial law like the RCMP were here.
Then the most desperate political party the Alberta NDP (lol these people are so desperate to dicredit our majority conservative government) they went to the protest and had a huge rally at the city hall and tried to basically do what the dems do in the states and say "without the NDP black people wouldn't have rights" 500 people start screaming before even questioning what their rights are.
Life is so meaningless because of Humans. Humans are curse to fellow Humans that's why best friend of Human is Dog but not a Human. Stay blessed always.@ganjafarmer, In my opinion
You are very wise.
And thank you so very much for posting such thoughtful content.
You're always challenging my perceptions.
Welcome and thank you so much.
Have a blessed time ahead.