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RE: Making people mad

in #police7 years ago

You could always join black lives matter. I bet you'd feel right at home there.

It's important to recognize that there are criminals in every segment of the population. Be it cops, lawyers, judges, politicians, doctors, etc. There are those who ruin it for all the rest; the bad ones who give the good ones a bad rep. And then there are those who paint everyone with the same brush. See, your entire premise is based on a fallacy. It's called the hasty generalization, also known as the informal fallacy or the faulty generalization. Wikipedia describes it as: reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables.

Perhaps you need to put your hate aside and re-think your argument if you want people to take you seriously. An argument based on a fallacy will only go so far.


Are some mafia knee-cap shooters "good guys"?
Are only some rapists "bad apples"?
Can you really rob, kidnap, molest, cage, and live on stolen money in a "good way"?
Can you choose to do evil for money on a daily basis and still somehow be "good"?
Or, do the acts that people willingly choose to do illustrate whether the person is good or bad?

You are obviously a disgruntled individual with a reason to hate the police. Is it because you've done something you shouldn't have? What's the real reason for your hate? It's pretty unreasonable to suggest that ALL police are criminals. Imagine for a second what your world would look like without it. Sure, it's not perfect; but what is? I take no issue with your views on government as a whole. I have libertarian leanings myself and tend to believe that smaller government results in increased individual responsibility and more freedom. But you're suggesting anarchy which is a fairy tale akin to communism - it only works in your dreams. Realistically you do need essential government services however limited they may be. It's like suggesting we don't need fire fighters anymore, or doctors, or dentists. So yeah.. you're just engaged in baseless ranting without offering any realistic solutions. Your world without police can't exist. It's unreasonable, impractical and unrealistic. Perhaps only good subject matter for Hollywood.
