So I went for a "Freedom Walk" Monday May 28, 2018 for my country, the United States of AMERICA! I LOVE America! That is why I brought my daughter and USA FLAGS! Well during out walk the police decided to stop and question us about why we had flags and act like we were some how committing a crime. They let us go, but they brought to me a realization that the powers that be are not thinking properly.. There was no reason for this..
HE ADMITTED ON CAMERA NO CRIME OR suspicion of one was the reason for stopping me, that makes it UNLAWFUL. Him using 2 police cars to intimidate me and force me basically to surrender my name address and where i'm going is unlawful search and seizure. These cops violated my human rights on MEMORIAL DAY on the 9/11 MEMORIAL BRIDGE because my 8 year old daughter and I had AMERICAN FLAGS! Wonder why people distrust the police?
Wow that is sad. I just uploaded a similar post on my blog
Insane isn't it! What is next they going to stop me for holding signs that say "I LOVE AMERICA!"???
Sorry about that, I personally don't trust most of those fellows if not all, they always harassing people the way they like
Not only in your country. My country's police force is useless too and citizens have lost confidence totally.