The 1200-lb Gorrillia

in #poleshift6 years ago

With the understanding that I may sound like a crazy person, and at times I even question myself, I am putting this information out. Along with the market BS, the rich are fleeing to the south, geopolitical events are heating up terribly and once you understand the reason, it all makes sense. I hate to be a downer, but this needs to be addressed. People talking about it will force the PTB to release information that could save our lives.

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... He ushered me through, and, in the darkness, I could see the outline of a vast concrete dome, with a metal blast door partly ajar. I was greeted by Larry Hall, the C.E.O. of the Survival Condo Project, a fifteen-story luxury apartment complex built in an underground Atlas missile silo. The facility housed a nuclear warhead from 1961 to 1965, when it was decommissioned. At a site conceived for the Soviet nuclear threat, Hall has erected a defense against the fears of a new era. “It’s true relaxation for the ultra-wealthy,” he said. “They can come out here, they know there are armed guards outside. The kids can run around.”
“I started saying, ‘Well, wait a minute, what does the government know that we don’t know?’ ” Hall said. In 2008, he paid three hundred thousand dollars for the silo and finished construction in December, 2012, at a cost of nearly twenty million dollars. He created twelve private apartments: full-floor units were advertised at three million dollars; a half-floor was half the price. He has sold every unit, except one for himself, he said.

“I started saying, ‘Well, wait a minute, what does the government know that we don’t know?’”
This statement right here, says it all. His thoughts and ideas on it, are his own speculation. Now years later, we see what they knew then.

Most preppers don’t actually have bunkers; hardened shelters are expensive and complicated to build. The original silo of Hall’s complex was built by the Army Corps of Engineers to withstand a nuclear strike. The interior can support a total of seventy-five people. It has enough food and fuel for five years off the grid; by raising tilapia in fish tanks, and hydroponic vegetables under grow lamps, with renewable power, it could function indefinitely, Hall said. In a crisis, his SWAT-team-style trucks (“the Pit-Bull VX, armored up to fifty-calibre”) will pick up any owner within four hundred miles. Residents with private planes can land in Salina, about thirty miles away. In his view, the Army Corps did the hardest work by choosing the location. “They looked at height above sea level, the seismology of an area, how close it is to large population centers,” he said. (

The global financial system is crumbling, is it planned? Or is it chaos at the top? Rich people are moving in droves to south of the equator. Just google "rich moving south of border". Taking the real information that is currently happening and stitching them together is not difficult when you see the real problem, our poles are shifting. Tonight, we had light until 8:52PM. At the summer solstice, here we have twilight till 9:00PM MAX.

Summer officially kicks off shortly after midnight June 21 with the summer solstice.At solar noon Wednesday, the sun will be directly over the Tropic of Cancer.As a result, it will be the longest day of the year in regards to the amount of daylight.

On the summer solstice (JUNE 21-23) the sun will rise in Seattle Washington (48DEG Lat) at 5:12AM local time Wednesday and not set until 9:10PM that is about 16 hours of light. In Key West Florida (25DEG Lat) the sun will rise at 6:39AM local time and set at 8:19PM, that is about 13 hours and 40 minutes of light. Right now we are experiencing, in Harrison AR (36DEG Lat we are pretty much right in the middle) - sun rise at 6:32AM, setting at about7:58PM, that is about 13 hours and 30 minutes of light, not considering twilight, and its the 1st of MAY (~2 months ahead of schedule). We are experiencing the Sun as it would be in Key West Fla. on the solstice.


Do you know how to get clean water if there is none? Do you have dry goods for at least 12 months? Do you have people that are working with you? Have you talked to your neighbors about this? Do you have a weapon? Will you defend your food? Will you give it all away? Do you know what electricity is? Do you know how to generate electricity? Can you store water? Can you rig a mill to make your own lumber if necessary? Can you deal with high amounts of radiation, both solar and atomic? Are you afraid of wild critters (snakes, bugs, spiders, rats, mice, skunks, badgers, bob cats, coyotes, etc.)? What would you do if you found yourself without a home? If the Sun is hitting us like it hits the equator this summer, how will you manage to grow food? Deal with the Heat? What about the extreme cold some areas will experience? If your growing food, are you ready for any conditions (snowing one day, 80+F the next)?

I post a lot about the uses of plants because I have spent a number of years studying the uses and viability of plants as a way to relieve and cure certain illnesses and eating from the wild. I have found so many. I keep all seeds and regrow each year the things I used the most and add new ones to try for a year. I have learned enough to know that those who are on life stabilizing medicines need to research the reason of the symptoms, and then start to correct hose problems now. Almost every problem has a cure, naturally. The key, in my own experience, is that the base diet needs to change, once that has changed using medicinal plants to treat symptoms, without side effects, is a cure. Doctors that promote this, die.

Learn as much as you can, while you can.


It isn't surprising that the rich guys are building themselves super shelters. They consider themselves elite. They know political climates can can get really bad, really fast. My feeling is that they are more afraid of other people than they are about earth cataclysms. But that is just my opinion. People like our president don't believe we have all-consuming, planetary situations. But I bet he owns a few of those survival condos.

Things are certainly building up to some sort of major catastrophe, in my opinion. At times, it seems like we are on a headlong course to utter destruction. I look at all the harm we have caused the planet and the effects on its inhabitants, both plant and animal. It's unsustainable. I'm not surprised that we are disintegrating. How much can a planet take? Just think of all the nuclear bombs that have been detonated on this planet, and then all the stuff that each person, each corporation, has thrown at our world! How can it not have have repercussions?

I had noticed the light at 8PM and again thought, is my memory just off, as usual? I guess not....

It is bizarre to have the light coming in the north windows on May 1, and to have light until 8PM on May 1.

Pam, I can not wait to come on out there and help you get your water catch system up and running! Survival is not a choice, it is mandatory for those of us that have the skill set to restart. You, have a wealth of knowledge that will benefit many. I am trying to get my hands on information that will give us a roadmap to being safe. This information is very well guarded, who knows why, and so many are not talking. The media allows the release of information that is bogus in order to keep people from freaking out. If the changes that were coming were not going to be that bad, they would have warned us already. I am collecting some horsetail for you, I will dry it and send when it is ready, this will help you and your husband with internal problems that regular go-to herbs can't manage. Stay safe.

It will be great fun to have you come visit! Putting up the water system has been on hold for a very long time.

I have wondered about how and why things are happening as they are. But really, I just don't have the energy to do more than we are. So we just keep on keeping on, and hope for the best...

Me too! Just keep on going on and try my best to live what I believe in. It takes a lot of effort just to live my life. But I like to be aware.