Good News! SUNRISE 29APR2018

in #poleshift6 years ago

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Over the past five days, it looks like the progression North has slowed, stopped or reversed. The wall looks like it has been hit, with regard to the Northward progression of the Sun's rise. Is this a reflection of our overall, collective, influence on the Earth, as a species that is tethered to it, through our emotional umbilical cord? Has the planet's orbital period started the reversal of the Northward trend? Has the tilt stopped or started to reverse? I really have no idea, without data sets we are left in the dark to what is happening.

Since I have been posting related material, even back on fB, the progression was slow to start and then picked up momentum until now. It seems the trend is either stopping or reversing. If you look at my picture above, which I just updated this morning, the Sun is slowing its progression North. I have been unable over the past 5 days to get a good look at the sunrise due to clouds, though yesterday I just slept in ;)~. I like the 5 day, maybe weekly, updates, it seems to give a better picture of how far the Sun is moving, and lessens my number of things to do during the day.

The Sun is HOT, though the air is cool. Everywhere I go people are talking about how crazy the skies are. Went to a neighbors house for supper last night, jambalaya stuffed peppers, and got to talking for a few, he noticed the sun is rising far North and was concerned, weird, I do not usually discuss things like this with them, just because they are not the type to be interested in anything other than the normal goings on. Great people, and I like the ability to go sit and just shoot the shit about farm stuff and whats happening around the ridge. It was just interesting to hear, unprovoked, a testimony. His wife had to go to bed early due to feeling sick from being out in the sun for an extended period of time, this had brought up a light discussion about the power of the Sun right now. I went out to have a smoke and he followed to talk and as soon as I was out I started looking at the Moon which was fairly far South in the sky, when he started saying that he noticed the Moon is not rising or setting where it should be at this time, and this is when he told me his experience with where he normally sees the Sun and Moon rise and set.

If the Sun is starting to retreat from it's progression, my guess would be that by mid-summer we should be seeing the Sun back on a SE>SW progression. Maybe this could be a wobble. Well I guess we will see soon enough. If we have hit a geomagnetic "wall" this could be either good or bad. It will be foretelling soon enough with plenty of weather weirdness to accent it. So far, this year's tornado season here in the Midwest has been very small. We are currently in the middle of the season and really no major action. Though we have had tornadoes all winter here and there, odd enough, most of them have not been in tornado alley. Crazy times!

If this is just a temporary reprieve, it may be quite dramatic over the next three months. Historically, right now, the Earth is starting to be more North facing toward the Sun, we are approaching aphelion (the point at which our planet is furthest away from the sun), which will occur at the summer solstice. We are currently experiencing 14 hours and 30 minutes of light this includes twilight. This amount of light leaves 9 hours of dark, IN APRIL! I am hearing about so many people having weird and continuous problems with their farms and gardens. One of the things I am experiencing is weird growth patterns and yellowing of plants. I have heard about soil being "bleached" by the sun and animals hiding during the day and remaining active during the night.

Aside from all the things going on, I will keep up probably once per week with the happenings in the sky. I have a weird theory I eluded to earlier in the post, but I will refrain from expounding on it until I gather more evidence. Until next week, Have a great garden and love your neighbors!


I noticed the sun was coming in thro the north side windows the other day really early in the morning. It seemed early in the year for it to do that, but my memory being what it is, I just let it go...

Maybe my memory was actually working....

It is. I'm hoping it is slowing or retreating... need more time...