in #polarshift5 years ago

"With the low oxygen content of a polar shift, this would be deadly to inhale even at lower concentrations .... thaw Vostok to release the polar shift replacement atmosphere...................................The truth about polar shift .... The sun leads the planets ... We will shift next, the Sun has passed the magnetic neutral, which is the galactic plain center. Positive is above and below neutral. The positive magnetic poles are driven by the super magnetic fields generated by the black hole at our galactic center. The galactic plain neutral is in alignment with the black hold neutral line our system is currently passing. The sun has already passed this line and has shifted, When Earth passes this neutral line, the negative south pole will be facing the negative of the universe. The positive north pole will be facing the positive of our universe. like poles push unlike poles attract when Earth's core rotates to become realigned each degree will pull the core stronger. This is why the North pole is moving faster each moment. this is the reason the north pole has crossed the Atlantic and the prime meridian in less than one year. When the rotation reaches 45 degrees the remaining rotation will be almost instant. During this time water will come over the northeast of the USA. Once the inner flop of the core is complete the core and the mantel will be spinning in opposite directions. This is when massive amounts come over the shores of California. The atmosphere will drastically thin, this is why the replacement atmosphere must be allowed to release under lake Vostok. this critical atmosphere if trapped will instead marry to form water, with a thinned atmosphere the new water will freeze immediately under pressure. this is an ice 7 event and is what created all oceans. lake Vostok will expand as it freezes like an expanding ice 7 wedge to create a newly frozen ocean. This is all being driven by geoengineering Earth cold prior to the polar shift. The Georgia guide stones explain the goal of population reduction. It should be obvious that weaponization of the pole shift vi geo cooling prior to polar shift is the method. All must all clamor to release the trapped replacement atmosphere under lake Vostok. WE MUST THAW VOSTOK PRIOR TO POLAR SHIFT TO PREVENT MASS ASPHYXIATION AND A SNOWBALL EARTH EXTINCTION LEVEL, ICE AGE EVENT. http://www.microneuron.com/shift-sequence.html……………………………………………………………………………………..
Thinking it through further. Should lake Vostok remain frozen during the polar shift, it will trap the replacement oxygen where it will marry with hydrogen to create a new ocean. Even if someone were to survive the asphyxiation phase of this and the extinction-level ice age, how will people survive in larger earth with a drastically altered Schumann resonance. The reason I say this is because the earth will literally increase in diameter under these geoengineered conditions. this will increase gravitational strength and alter the Schumann resonance due to the increased capacitance of earth with this much additional water. This may be part of the elites plan to further weaken and disconnect the human race to total extinction within 1000 years for we will be aliens on our own planet."