Steemit Poets United : #steembasicincome Enrollment Report #1 (Partnership Program)


This is the Report on the progress of the Partnership program between SPU and @steembasicincome

Hey Everyone I am going to inform everyone on the progress of the enrollment in the program @steembasicincome

This is a list of people enrolled by our Senior Members. Most of the active team has been enrolled into the program.

I expect the results to be seen soon so here it is the list congratulations for all of the poets. This is now part of the Weekly Active Poets Challenge. For the next week there will be two new winners each with a share in the program

Enrolled Members:

@cleansingpoetry @poetsunit @angelveselinov @poetrybyjeremy @madevi @warpedpoetic @beanz @DamianJayClay @poeticsnake @dreemsteem @its-kg @udezee @cheryldavis @poeticsnake @mitneb

These are the members currently enrolled by Poets United Community (for their dedication and support this is our gift to you all thank you).
If you want to help the community and want to be enrolled in the Partnership Program send 1 Steem to @cleansingpoetry or @poetsunit with memo #steembasicincome and handle of desired account to be sponsored.

If you want to learn more about the program. Please visit @steembasicincome or come to our discord chat channel where we can answer your questions.

Some of the Last Issues of Poets United :
Issue #39 by @poetsunit hosted @AngelVeselinov
Issue #37 by @poetsunit hosted @madevi
Issue #36 by @AngelVeselinov
Issue #35 by @AngelVeselinov
Issue #34 by @angelveselinov
Issue #33 by @angelveselinov
Issue #32 by @angelveselinov
Issue #31 by @warpedpoetic
Issue #30 by @madevi
Issue #29 by @angelveselinov
Issue #28 by @angelvesleinov

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Thank you. It's an honour.

yvw man!

Thank you :) This is a great initiative, and it's good to make it as a contest reward ;)

Those enrollment are all processed!

Thank You For the Awesome Service and Cooperation. !!! Be Blessed Peace and Love.

Would like to get in on the action. Can I just sponsor all the poets on this list? How do we get rewarded? Through Upvotes on #poetsunited?

Please let me know?

Well they are enrolled in the program with one share from communal accounts and the bot too. Thank you for sponsoring @cleansingpoetry account so now You are enrolled too and @cleansingpoetry got another share in. If you want to sponsor other poets and the community you can continue to send money the same way this time @angelveselinov wanted to give you the share that is why you got it :) Instead of him but next time it depends on what name you send :) Thank you for your interest and support. You have been awesome new member :) God Bless You . Peace and Love.