All We Are
Understanding comes to one who seeks
with no station, no fortune, no future.
Discerning our ultimate truth we perceive
these moments are bait in a luna sea.
Where hides the home of our wonder?
Who commands the arrows of time?
We stand outside the rainbow tribe.
We ponder.
All we are is now to be.
All we are is now to be.
All we are is now to be.
This is my entry to the PoetryDice Challenge Week 13. As always thanks to @rensoul17 & @robyneggs for all the work hosting and judging. They're bringing lots of good writers out into the open. Thanks!
I've italicized my usage of the cubes in the poem. While most of the cubes are easily recognized, some are more abstract in their interpretation. Apple is "Understanding". Sheep is "with no station etc". Eye is "perceive". Fish is "bait". Moon is "luna". House is "home". Arrow is "arrows". Teepee is "rainbow tribe". The last three lines refer to the state of mind attained when pondering with Mary Jane, profound but unable to continue further.
I hope you've enjoyed it! Thanks for reading.
This is so relatable. When u are at the bottom you truly have Appreciation. I like your exotic use of the images this time around Jon. Thanks for whusking me away again. Xo
Thank you @robyneggs! I'm glad it touched you!
Great post I like it.
I love your poetry @jonknight. This poem is a wonderfully concise depiction of life.
Thanks @g-force1980! I really appreciate your work.
This is seriously good.
I worried about putting the mantra at the end but it seems to have worked. Thank you!
@jonknight for me you so completely and precisely summerized, our experience in this reality. Awesome and Bravo!!
I try always to be brief with my words, but still adequately describe the subject I'm writing. Sometimes these cubes don't make it easy! Thank you @rensoul17!
I very much enjoyed this piece. It reminds me a bit of Kahlil Gibran (my all time favorite quiet).
That comparison honors me! Thank you!