Peotrycontest part 3#love the beach

in #poetrycontest7 years ago

aloof on the beach (poetry)


** I'm standing by the beach
I close my eyes while enjoying the breeze on my face

** i close my eyes for the second time while enjoying the cold air that hit my body **

** and I closed my eyes for the third time while shouting for this pain **


** Do you know why people love the beach?
I think the beach is the most comfortable

** the most shaded place when we are at the beach,
all the tired that is in our minds seem to disappear even if only for a moment

** I like this atmosphere,
here I can laugh,
here I can smile happily


** here I can run here and there with my eyes closed and laugh happy alone **

** but
it's okay to go through all this alone,
because for me the solitude is a tranquility

thanks for upvot and follow me @zalfa


lokasi pantainya daerah mana yea ?? :)


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