Steemit Poetry Contest #12 "If He Is My Future Husband"

in #poetrycontest7 years ago (edited)

If He Is My Future Husband

original poetry


Distance is the stretch of the bush
we will go through it slowly
to arrive at the hug

Jarak adalah bentangan belukar
kita akan melaluinya perlahan-lahan
agar sampai pada pelukan

You run very fast
past those little hopes,
while I walked too slowly
however, I will still follow you

Kau berjalan amat cepat
melewati harapan-harapan kecil itu,
sedangkan aku berjalan terlalu lambat
namun, aku akan tetap mengikutimu

We are worried about each other
waiting for the hope that we have said in prayer,
You know what I love
I can see my future in your face

Kita saling menebar risau
menanti harapan yang sudah kita ucap dalam doa,
kau tau apa kasihku
bisa kulihat masa depanku di wajahmu

if at this time i have wings,
I want to cross the night
and arrive in front of you
then whispered in your ear "i love u"

Jika saat ini ku punya sayap,
ku ingin menyebrangi malam
dan tiba dihadapanmu
lalu kubisikkan ditelingamu "i love u"



I imagine in my dreams,
give birth to your children, love you
and spend my time with you.

Kubayangkan dalam mimpiku,
melahirkan anak-anak mu, mencintai mu
dan menghabiskan masa tuaku bersamamu.

Current love ....
my biggest dream
I realize that dream with you
and our children someday

Saat ini kasih....
mimpi terbesar ku
kuwujudkan mimpi itu bersama mu
dan anak-anak kita kelak

And you know my love,
among the many men,
I choose you
for my future

Dan kau tau kasih ku,
di antara sekian banyak lelaki,
aku memilih mu
untuk masa depan ku

if you are my future,
come quickly to my embrace
don't make me worry about waiting for you.

jika kau memang masa depan ku,
cepatlah datang ke pelukan ku
jangan buat aku risau menantimu.

bitcoin.gifby: @wahyunibukhari


hahaha ... good luck aja deh @wahyunibukhari. karena puisinya bagus sih. hahahha ...

Nantikan puisi selanjutnya @mujahud

Great, sangat hidup puisinya. Aku suka gaya bahasanya.