I feel sad I'm a little late to the game, but here is my entry! Thanks for hosting, @terrycraft! This is my first one, so hoping I did everything right! >.<
Writing whilst you dream
While I am writing, you are somewhere lost in a state of REM
Hiding behind adventuring eyelids whilst laying still beside me
The moment when latent ideas awaken, breathing life into inklings
That is the time of night when words come to me.
First slowly, softly, thoughtfully, then growing into their own confident being
Often eloquently and irrationally pouring onto not yet put-together pages
Lucidly imposing ideas of imaginary worlds on paper fibers or plastic keys
Capturing beauty, excitement, adversary, theatrics and tragedy.
And while I am writing, we drift into deeper spaces of dream-thought
Profoundly postulating between bedsheets and blankets
Constructing a chaotic catalogue of subconscious thinkings
I, purposefully, and you, waywardly - all of this writing whilst you dream.