in #poetry7 years ago (edited)


On this Father's day I fondly remember my Grandfather, the father to my mother, who left us to be with God last year at the age of 99.

I would like to share a poem I wrote as a celebration of his life that was read at his funeral.


Blessed is the man
who does not go home,
until he sees the years that the children
of his grandchildren are born.

Blessed are those of us
who have been touched
by his full and well lived life,
and planted with his love.
Those of us who have been built
up by his strength,
and inspired by his sense of resilience.

We are the descendants of
this great legacy,
to live fearlessly and with dignity,
to love others profoundly;
to stand up for what we believe in.
We are inspired to keep working, planting,
and pushing past our limits;
to give more than we have received and
to extend help to others more than we have
asked for it.
To keep thriving and driving
well into the sunset of hours
of our lives.

We are honored and privileged
to be the ones to pass on
this amazing gift
for generations to come.
For the measure of a man's life,
is not how many possessions he has acquired,
but how much of himself
he has left living in the hearts
of those he loved.

Blessed are those who mourn,
for even though we bear
a great sense of loss,
for the champion
that we will deeply miss,
we can find comfort in knowing
that somewhere beyond
this place there is a great rejoicing,
a joyful reunion of family and friends.
We can hold on to our faith,
and what God has promised
to those that love Him.
That one day we
will meet again.

It's been a pleasure to share this with you as my first post, and wish all the Fathers out there a Happy Father's Day.

Please follow me @winfredmathenge , more inspirational poetry to come...