@lazarus-wist It's more stubbornness then anything else I have been politically active since the age of 12 also a raging environmentalist and animal advocate. Most of my life I still believed that most humans were good and just needed to wake up. I am at a point in my life where I believe most people are self indulgent twats not even man or woman enough to be real evil but just are evil by proxy because they are toddlers that put them self above everything else. Its a weak passive evil that is worse than active evil. And while a part of me wants to send them into restricted living zones with shock collars another part of me is still the foolish idealist. So its roll up in a ball , get up , dust off , on to soap box , save kittens , fight monsters , roll in ball ...rinse wash repeat ... one would think that with 50 I had become a bit smarter lol ...
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