My words are not new... these doubts, truths, and thoughts are visited many minds. In many life situations, we make the wrong decisions because of constant doubts. After all, there is no single manual - what "to listen" to? Heart, soul or mind?! But the reality is harsh - first, we lose our lifetime and health to earn as much money as possible, and then we realize that by this money we will not return our time or health!

I try to do my best, and work without rest!
My mind guides me this path - it's simple math.
From time to time, I feel too God damn tired,
These moments I look at my son and keep my run...
Who are we in this world of shiny coins?
People who counting profits...
People who minimize losses...
We are just cash registers!
I have to do the right thing, but everywhere hear ka-ching!
My heart cries of injustice and growing social numbness...
I want to make a difference - I hate people's indifference!
But who am I, to judge? Just keep my trudge...
Who are we in this world of constant doubts?
People who don't want mistaken...
People who are unsure...
We are just our emotions!
My wish - to know the world... but in the game "earn money" I'm involved!
My soul is in a cage of circs - work/buy/eat/work...
Inside of me, the struggle - deadly fight... for everything that still remains bright,
And I furtively feed my soul with hope, until reality tightens the rope...
Who are we in this world of force majeure?
People who live here and now...
People who dream reach the stars...
We are just who we are!
Sincerely, Terry Craft.
This is from the deepest down. I wish him miracle, you and your family the best. My 'prayers' go to him.
Thanks for the support. I do not believe in God... but today I'm ready to pray to any of them.
You are on point. We work hard to earn and to save up not knowing that we forgot to live. Life is a gift and we should enjoy it as much as we can coz we don’t hold our future and we don’t know how much time we’ve left. Money can’t buy health however it can prolong it but it can never buy time. Sad but true.
I completely agree.
Well said..
Can I say something too? You’ve mentioned that you don’t believe in any Gods and now you will just to make things better. All I wanted to say is that we’ve been through hard times and one of that is not wanting to lose someone we love or value but I think we cannot hold something we don’t want to happen. We can’t even turn back time so we can spend more time with them. All we have to do is treasure every moment with them. We shouldn’t wait until it’s too late so show him love and support coz he really needs that. Have a little faith. All will be well. :)
Ja exactly... That begs the question of how do we live life to its fullest potential? Perhaps the blockchain is a start, although I think that the change has to be even deeper.
How do we live life to its fullest potential? I think it’s by doing what we love. It’s a win-win process coz we spend time, earn and we enjoy it. 😊
great way of putting it! :)
My dad was recently diagnosed with throat cancer so I can understand what you are going through. Infact that's the reason I joined Steemit to get extra income so that I can contribute in the cost of the treatment. All I can say is stay strong and be there for him. It's a tough fight so don't lose hope and keep fighting. Give him as much support as possible. I'll pray for his recovery :)
Thanks for the support. I sincerely wish your father full recovery!
That really sucks man. My grandma judith just had a heart attack. Life isn't fair.
Yes... life is always unfair for someone... in the bustle of life, a person forgets to appreciate what is really important.
I lost my mum because of cancer so I can understand what you are going through.. I deeply wish from my heart that you earn more money to help your uncle get through this difficult time. You're a very kind person.
I'm sorry about your mother. Be strong!
prayers for ur uncle...
Thank you.
I'm lost... I can not accept that this is true :(
Life is so much easier when we remember that whatever happens to us was destined to happen, and whatever will happen is already written for us. Trusting Allah doesn't mean you don't plan things out. No, you plan and prepare for everything and then rely upon Allah for the result.
Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst... something like this.
It's sad when we see our loved ones sick. Even more depressing when we feel what we're good at cannot directly heal them. If only poetry cures cancer...if only.
I wish your uncle full recovery as soon as possibly possible.
I am grateful to you for your kind wish.
Truly, yours words aren't new. A lot of tragedies around the world on a daily basis. May your uncle get well. Be strong.
It's that I can for now... to be strong and support him. Thank you.
oho its so sad.. bealive in god everythink willbe ok ..
I hope...
While there are many different kind of cancers they all share the common goal. Hope the cancer of your uncle is treatable and that he'll recover, keep the words flowing and best of wishes.
Wow! So many emotions can be felt from your descriptive words. I compose myself but can learn much from you my friend. I will follow you closely.
Good job, great post
All we have is now. That clock says it all. So cherish everything because the next minute, it might be very different.
All the best Terry, my thoughts are with you.
That's right, no one knows when his time will end...
Thank for support.
Look into getting some CBD oil for him. It has been proven to treat many forms of cancer, as the hemp in it binds to the cells to help keep them healthy. Also fasting has been proven to help as it denies the cancer cells the sugar it meeds to replicate
Hopely your uncle get well soon, never stop to pray and keep trying the best u can
Best of luck to your uncle, Terry. Don't be too hard on yourself either, there is only so much you and others can do to help. Love and support goes a long way.
The other thing I wanted to mention is; there are people that work to live, and people that live to work.
keep the spirit friend, never give up and lets do more to our world..
I'm so sorry @terrycraft prayers and positive energy your way. I hope everything works out!
I think about this all the time. I have had many people in my life taken way before their time to sickness and depression. It's a harsh reminder of what time we have and how we spend it.
It's hard to find a balance, and then I find myself sitting in worry about where and what I should spend what is literally my final days on. It's everyone's final days. But, life can be long, we can make it seem longer, by living every minute to the fullest. I always ask, "Will I regret giving this time away?" If I am gone tomorrow, will today have been worth it.
I feel and hope that one day, society will be set up in a way, that we won't have to chose to give up our precious time just for survival. Stay strong my friend.
I'm sorry Terry, be strong and try to give the best of you to your uncle, take care to create happy memories even if the time is tragic. Every loss hurts, and sometimes we believe that we are immortal and we forget to do things that make us say '' wow my life really was amazing '' instead of lamenting for not having made the craziest dreams. I appreciate your my friend and maybe these words do not help you much because of the pain you feel. It only remains to accompany your uncle in this fight, that we hope he wins.
:) resteemed
Keep on writing man. It is cathartic. I can tell you. It helps.
Nice. I like your poetry.
Poetry is a vernacular painting arranged by rhymes. Poetry is the story of a series of events in life. Reality is the basic idea of poetry creation, then processed in imaginative language to produce good literary works
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Man, that's harsh. I think I can understand your feeling of being consumed by working so you can keep consuming; so you can survive. It's the same for me, and it gets tiring sometimes. I think trying to channel it into poetry is a good idea, and the product is really good. Fight on.
I send you good vibes! Remember: poetry saves! I strongly believe that.
I'm really sorry man... I know the feeling. It's something ironic of life, one day everything is perfect but the next one your life goes down in one second. In this moment what I can say is be strong, remember the good times and just let the time go, try to do what you like ... I know is not easy and I'm really sorry for you man. Regards and the best wishes .
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